A GitHub action to configure and run the SonarQube scanner inside a SonarQube Docker container and connect to a self hosted Sonar.
The action support the following features
- Configure scanner
- Configure scanner for pull request decoration
- Run sonar scanner
- Export scanner configuration for consuming by e.g.
Parameter | Description | required | default |
projectName | Your application's name in SonarQube | yes | |
projectKey | Unique value for your project in SonarQube | yes | |
baseDir | Relative path to your sonar.properties file (default: . ) |
no | . |
token | SonarQube login token | yes | |
url | SonarQube server url | yes | |
scmProvider | SCM provider | no | git |
sourceEncoding | Encoding of the source files | no | UTF-8 |
enablePullRequestDecoration | Decorate a pull request. PR, branch and base are extracted from the pull | no | false |
onlyConfig | "Generate sonar configuration, scanner will not be invoked. Sonar parameters are available as output. | no | false |
isCommunityEdition | Flag your SonarQube instance as Community edition. Disables PRs/branches and defaults branch to master | no | false |
runQualityGate | Run quality gate along with the scanner | no | false |
qualityGateTimeout | Number of seconds to wait before failing. SonarQube default is 300 | no |
Parameter | Description |
sonarParameters | Sonar parameters generate based on input |
To prevent your token from showing in the runner's output, it is advised to store the token configuration inside of a github secret variable.
The listing below uses the secret SONARQUBE_TOKEN
from your project's configuration.
name: SonarQube
runs-on: self-hosted
- uses: philips-software/sonar-scanner-action@<version>
token: ${{ secrets.SONARQUBE_TOKEN }}
projectName: My Project Name
projectKey: project.key.from.sonar.qube
baseDir: .
url: https://your.sonar.instance.io/
name: SonarQube
runs-on: self-hosted
- uses: philips-software/sonar-scanner-action@<version>
token: ${{ secrets.SONARQUBE_TOKEN }}
projectName: My Project Name
projectKey: project.key.from.sonar.qube
url: https://your.sonar.instance.io/
enablePullRequestDecoration: true
name: SonarQube
runs-on: self-hosted
- uses: philips-software/sonar-scanner-action@<version>
token: ${{ secrets.SONARQUBE_TOKEN }}
projectName: My Project Name
projectKey: project.key.from.sonar.qube
url: https://your.sonar.instance.io/
isCommunityEdition: true
name: SonarQube
runs-on: self-hosted
- name: Configure sonar scanner
uses: philips-software/sonar-scanner-action@<version>
id: sonarconfig
token: ${{ secrets.SONARQUBE_TOKEN }}
projectName: My Project Name
projectKey: project.key.from.sonar.qube
url: https://your.sonar.instance.io/
enablePullRequestDecoration: true
onlyConfig: true
- name: Run sonar scanner
uses: docker://openjdk:11.0.6-jdk-slim
entrypoint: bash
-c "./gradlew --info sonarQube ${{ steps.sonarconfig.outputs.sonarParameters }}"
This module is part of the Philips Forest.
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-channel on Slack.