I have only gotten this to work on Windows and Android. I haven't been able to get it to work on IOS. I am not responsible for anything that happens to you or devices from following this guide.
VPN (Hong Kong or Mainland China IP Required, Need a VPN? Check out the VPN-LIST.md)
Step 1: Enable your VPN and make sure the VPN is set to either China or Hong Kong.
Step 2: Get a 163 or yeah.net email account. Go to https://zc.reg.163.com/regInitialized?onlyNetease=1 for international sign-up.
Step 3: Download Minecraft China. Go to https://mc.163.com/index.html and press the "立即下载端游" button.
Step 4: Go through the installation.
Installation Steps:
Step 1: Tick the box in the corner (after opening exe) then press the green button.
You're done.
Step 5: After Launching the game you'll see this (translated screen):
In the top box insert the email from your 163 or yeah.net account and the password for the 163 or yeah.net account.
Step 6: Agree to the terms and conditions.
Step 7 (notice): You'll need a Chinese resident ID Card due to local laws in China, I will not tell you in this tutorial how to get an ID from China.
If you see something like this:
you've now got Minecraft China Edition!
VPN (MUST be a mainland China IP, I recommend using this or openvpn and vpngate).
Step 1: Enable your VPN.
Step 2: Get a 163 or yeah.net email account. Go to https://zc.reg.163.com/regInitialized?onlyNetease=1 for international sign-up.
Step 3: Download and install Minecraft China. Go to https://mc.163.com/index.html and press on the Android Button or click here to get the apk file.
Step 4: Log in with the NetEase account you made earlier (163.com or yeah.net).
Visit the official Minecraft China forums https://mc.netease.com/ and log in with your 163 or yeah.net account.