This is a fork of Devoldefy
Translates MCP source code to Yarn
Fix Devoldefy bugs.
Use config file as input instead of console input.
Fix cannot remap method override with generic parameter (by some reflection hack).
It can add additional mappings. For example add this to remap client server marker
"additionalClassMappings": {
"net/minecraftforge/api/distmarker/OnlyIn": "net/fabricmc/api/Environment",
"net/minecraftforge/api/distmarker/Dist": "net/fabricmc/api/EnvType"
remapforge.json is an example
Add these into build.gradle
task printClasspath {
doLast {
configurations.compileClasspath.each { println "\""+ (it.toString().replace("\\","/")) + "\"," }
and run gradlew printClasspath
Another method: Open minecraft in dev environment and then invoke this:
public static void printClassPath() {
((URLClassLoader) ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader()).getURLs()
url -> "\"" + url.getFile().substring(1).replace("%20", " ") + "\""