This project implements a 4 player teams chess engine.
- Play against the computer
- Analyze your games
- Node JS
- Bazel
This project implements the chess UCI protocol.
To build, you have a couple of options:
# Option 1 (bazel):
bazel build -c opt cli
# Option 2 (Makefile):
make cli
After building, run the program:
bazel-bin/cli # for bazel
# or just `./cli` for make
Then, analyze a position as below.
position fen <some FEN>
- Initialize node js (one time):
cd ui
npm install
- Start the server:
node-gyp install
node app.js
- Go to http://localhost:3000
: Classes representing the board.player.h/cc
: Classes representing the player.ui
directory: Related to the website and UI for playing.
# All unit tests
bazel test -c opt :all
# Performance test: you'll want to run with --test_output=all
bazel test -c opt speed_test --test_output=all
Use simplechessmatch to test the strength of changes.
# A/B engine test with 250 ms per move for quick quality tests
./scm --e1 /Users/louisobryan/tmp/4pchess/cli --e2 /Users/louisobryan/4pchess/cli --fixed 250 --games 500 --threads 10 --fens FENs_4PC_balanced.txt \
--custom1 "setoption name threads value 1" \
--custom2 "setoption name threads value 1" \
--pgn4 /tmp/games.pgn4 \
--margin 3000 \
--maxmoves 200
It is recommended to test with 5000 ms per move for confidence on the results.
Once the run completes, you can check whether the result is significant
by testing whether the p-value is less than 0.05
. For example,
python3 --n_wins=243 --n_losses=199 --n_draws=25
# => Ttest_1sampResult(statistic=2.100107728239835, pvalue=0.01811446939295551)
bazel run -c opt regression_tests --test_output=all --runs_per_test=30