You need to download the toolbox and add it to your python path. To do this, you can either :
place the acidano folder in the lop/Source
or type in a shell
The first step is to build the database, i.e. read a corpus of midi file in an orchestra and a piano matrices, split them into train/valid/test matrices and save them in a folder (for instance lop/Data) as .npy files. This is done by executing :
cd Source/Database; python
The train/valid/test split is defined through indexing files, whose path is passed as an argument of the main function in
A database can be found at
We simplify orchestrations by mapping rare instruments to more common ones through the simplify_instrumentation table located in that you might want to edit.
Is made by calling
cd Source; python
Parameters at the very beginning of the file are used for execution context and should not be touched, except DEFINED_CONFIG and CONFIG_ID
N_HP_CONFIG = 1 # In case you run hyper-parameter search
LOCAL = True # Was used for Guillimin/non-Guillimin, should be set to True
DEBUG = False
CLEAN = False # Remove empty folders in the result folders. If you want to run several configs in parallel, set it to False
DEFINED_CONFIG = True # Choose between hyper-parameter search, or run for a particular configuration.
CONFIG_ID = '/13' # Name of the folder in which results will be stored. If you choose an existing folder, raise an error. Useless for Hyper-parameter runs.
The training parameters (model, optim method, granularity, type of units and quantization) are defined in the commands table :
commands = [
'100' # Set to 100 when using event_level
DEFINED_CONFIG allows to run a configurations defined in the dictionnary configs at the top of
The main function of this script takes as input a result folder's path and generate trained weights' plots, midi files (short or whole track), statistics...
## Future
- Adapt to Scikit framework
- Adapt to scikit-multilearn