We are use Laravel Nova package.
It's sources are located as separate repo in our gitlab.
So you should generate Personal Access Token (aka PAT).
You can issue your PAT by going to
Profile Icon > Settings > Access Token
Then to issue a new PAT, write a name and select a scope api/read_api, read_api is a minimum. api will work too. If you want to set an expiry, can put value in that.
Then press the Create personal access token Button.
Then you’ll be shown your PAT and you need to copy that token. It’s only shown once. If you close or refresh the tab, it’ll be gone.
Set PAT in .env
00000-000000-0000000000000 - PAT which you get from Gitlab
$ cp .env.example .env
$ composer install
We are using Laravel Sail for local development.
$ ./vendor/bin/sail up
To start all the Docker containers in the background, you may start Sail in "detached" mode:
$ ./vendor/bin/sail up -d
Once the application's containers have been started, you may access the project in your web browser at: http://localhost.
To stop all the containers, you may simply press Control + C to stop the container's execution. Or, if the containers are running in the background, you may use the stop command:
$ ./vendor/bin/sail stop
$ cp docker-compose.yml docker-compose.override.yml
After updating your application's docker-compose.yml file, you should rebuild your container images:
$ ./vendor/bin/sail build --no-cache $ ./vendor/bin/sail up
Link to sail/app Dockerfile: https://github.com/laravel/sail/blob/v1.13.1/runtimes/8.1/Dockerfile
$ ./vendor/bin/sail tinker
$ docker run -it --rm --pid=container:casino-backend-laravel.test-1 terencewestphal/htop
You can change
for any another name of container
- PSR-12
- For PhpStorm use
You can simply use xdebug3 when you can't understand how your code works even with dump() and dd()! All what you should do to activate xdebug:
Uncomment this two lines:
Then restart container with sail (aka Docker)
$ ./vendor/bin/sail up -d --scale laravel.test=0
$ ./vendor/bin/sail up -d --scale laravel.test=1
Also check instruction for your IDE; You should activate listening for debug connections