Minimized version from original source:
Plus special notes when using EC2 as GGC.
Set up Greengrass Core - GGC v1.6.0, using Amazon EC2.
Install dependencies for TensorFlow on GGC:
$ sudo pip install numpy scipy tensorflow pillow
Use sudo and --no-cache-dir option to install on EC2, python2.7.
Package | Local-macOS| EC2-Linux ------------ | ------------- Numpy | 1.15.2 | 1.15.2 Scipy | 1.1.0 | 1.1.0 Tensorflow | 1.10.0 | 1.11.0 Pillow | 5.3.0 | 5.3.0
from [the TF model zoo] ( and usefrozen_inference_graph.pb
to create zip
. Upload zip file to S3:- S3 bucket name: e.g.
- Note: Download the label map for the model (
) from [TF github] (
- S3 bucket name: e.g.
[Lambda console] Create and Publish Lambda function using source from this repo:
- Name: greengrassObjectDetection
- Handler: greengrassObjectDetection.function_handler
Add Lambda function to Greengrass group
- Memory limit: 512MB (observed on MacOS Activity Monitor ~325MB)
- Timeout: 10 seconds
[Greengrass Group] Add Subscription: Lambda -> IoTCloud (Lambda publish message at topic "hello/world")
Greengrass console > Add machine learning resource
- Model from S3: select file from step 3
- Local path: /greengrass-machine-learning/tf (must follow what is declared in Lambda function)