A python library to perform Monte Carlo probabilistic modeling and risk analysis.
Preferably, create a virtual environment and install scikit-risk by running
pip install scikit-risk
Note that scikit-risk is only available in python 3.
We are currently in active development so we are aiming for the latest versions of each dependency. As soon as a stable version is established, dependencies with particular versions will be indicated.
Two things to note for those wishing to participate in scikit-risk development:
Github flow is being used as a working method.
That is, you create a project fork from https://github.com/qu4nt/scikit-risk, to propose any change you create a new branch from this repository and add a Pull Request directly from this new branch.
To create a development environment you have to clone the repository locally, create a development environment, activate it, and run:
pip install -e .
From the root folder of scikit-risk
Team qu4nt
- Francisco Palm, [email protected]
- Rainer Palm, [email protected]
- Lino Urdaneta, [email protected]
- Mariangela Petrizzo, [email protected]
- Adriana Tiso, [email protected]