This is a social networking application that allows you to message, share feelings,... with friends
NodeJS: we use version v14.18.0
Open your IDE and clone this project
git clone
edit file in "client/src/configs/index.js": change the default IPv4 address to your machine's IP address and save
cd to path of the project, and open 2 terminals:
- terminal 1:
cd client
npm install -g expo-cli or yarn global add expo-cli
npm install or yarn install
npm start or yarn start # you can also use: expo start
- your default browser will display a QR code
- terminal 2:
cd server
npm install
npm start
use your phone and download the app named expo-go (both IOS and android)
connect to the same LAN of the device running client and server
use the expo-go and scan the QR code on the browser
- quanhoang288
- NXTung1102000
- trung141421