Material Design implementation for Android 2.1 and newer. This is not the exact copy of the Lollipop's API and features. It's a custom implementation of the most useful things as shown in the design specification. The library also features some additional non-standard extensions, like rounded corners for layouts or a Divider view for easy divider creation.
- realtime, animated shadows
- the touch ripple
- an elevation system (changing z order changes view rendering order)
- widget tinting
- rounded corners
- SVG rendering
- a floating action button view
- text appearances, sizes, colors and many more useful definitions
- custom, xml-selectable fonts for all text Views
- predefined animation styles and visibility change animations
- a saturation/brightness/alpha fade for ImageView
- Divider drag&drop view
- dark and light themes
- a radial transition animation
- circular progress indicators
- CardView with real shadows and rounded corners
- state animators
- debug mode showing draw and hit areas when in edit mode
- tab strip with animated underline
- fading edges
- animated checkboxes and radiobuttons
- DrawerLayout with real shadows
- EditText with floating label, character counter and pattern validation
- Lollipop's recents list layout
- Snackbar with swipe-to-dismiss, tap-outside-to-dismiss, message queue and view pushing
- view anchors
- Spinner with PopupMenu
Moved to wiki: Installation
Moved to wiki: FAQ
Moved to wiki: Changelog