WIP Sinatra/AR app to view/analyze heapdumps from Ruby's ObjectSpace.dump_all.
This is a simple sinatra and ActiveRecord based web application meant for running locally. It has a tool for importing your a heap dump into a postgres DB (or probably any AR adaptable DB) and then navigating and viewing in a simple web view.
Assuming you have Ruby (latest), Rubygems, and a running PostgreSQL server.
git clone https://github.com/quirkey/objspace_viewer
cd objspace_viewer
bundle install --binstubs
createdb objspace_development
./bin/rake db:migrate
# Running on localhost:9393
First, get a dump from a server. For this we've been using rbtrace to attach to the server and run the dump.
$ ./bin/rbtrace -p [RUBY_PROCESS_PID] -e 'GC.start(full_mark: true); require “objspace”; ObjectSpace.dump_all(output: File.open(“heap.json","w"))'
This should attach and eventually heap.json should be created and filled with your dump.
$ ls -lh heap.json
-rw-r--r-- 1 aaronquint staff 87M Jun 16 21:52 heap.json
Once you have the dump locally:
cd objspace_development
./scripts/import heap.json
This will take a while depending how large your dump is.
Then you should see the data at http://localhost:9393
This is a known WIP. Please be gentle.