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add login page
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zonotope committed Oct 17, 2019
1 parent a675e4a commit 8536b49
Showing 1 changed file with 281 additions and 0 deletions.
281 changes: 281 additions & 0 deletions src/pages/login.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
import { debug } from "debug";
import React, { useReducer, useState, useContext } from "react";
import { RouteProps, Redirect } from "react-router";
import { Columns, Heading, Form, Icon, Loader, Button } from "react-bulma-components";
import { ChainTree, setOwnershipTransaction, setDataTransaction } from 'tupelo-wasm-sdk';
import { getAppCommunity, txsWithCommunityWait } from "../appcommunity";
import { didFromKey, findUserTree, insecureUsernameKey, securePasswordKey, usernamePath } from "../identity";
import { StoreContext, AppActions, IAppLogin } from '../state/store'

const log = debug("loginPage")

interface ILoginState {
loading: boolean
username: string
password: string
userTree?: ChainTree
loadingText: string

enum Actions {

interface ILoginActions {
type: Actions

interface IUsernameType extends ILoginActions {
type: Actions.loginFormType
username: string
dispatch: Function

interface IPasswordType extends ILoginActions {
type: Actions.passwordFormType
password: string

interface IUserTree extends ILoginActions {
type: Actions.userTree
username: string
tree?: ChainTree
dispatch: Function

const initialState = {
loading: false,
username: '',
password: '',
loadingText: '',

let usernameTimeout: number | undefined;

const checkUsername = (state: ILoginState, dispatch: Function) => {
const later = async () => {
const username = state.username
if (!username) {
return //nothing to do on an empty username

log("checking if ", username, " is available.")
let tree = await findUserTree(username)

log("dispatching userTree event")
type: Actions.userTree,
username: username,
tree: tree,
dispatch: dispatch,
} as IUserTree)

usernameTimeout = undefined;

usernameTimeout = setTimeout(later, 150) as any; // nodejs and browser have differing types for the timeout return

function reducer(state: ILoginState, action: ILoginActions) {
switch (action.type) {
case Actions.loginFormType:
const username = (action as IUsernameType).username
checkUsername(state, (action as IUsernameType).dispatch)
return { ...state, loading: true, loginText: 'Checking for username availability', username: username }
case Actions.userTree:
const act = action as IUserTree
log("user tree received: ", act.username, " state: ", state.username)
if (act.username !== state.username) {
// this means we missed one
checkUsername(state, act.dispatch)
return state // don't update anything yet
return { ...state, loading: false, loadingText: '', userTree: (action as IUserTree).tree }
case Actions.passwordFormType:
return { ...state, password: (action as IPasswordType).password }
case Actions.registering:
return { ...state, loading: true, loadingText: 'Registering your user' }
case Actions.loggingIn:
return { ...state, loading: true, loadingText: 'Logging in' }
throw new Error("unkown type: " + action.type)

const isAvailable = (state: ILoginState) => {
return !state.loading && state.username && !state.userTree

// colors: '"link" | "success" | "primary" | "info" | "warning" | "danger" | "light" | "dark" | "white" | "black" |

function UsernameField({ state, onChange }: { state: ILoginState, onChange: React.ChangeEventHandler }) {
return (
<Form.Control iconLeft>
<Form.Input color={isAvailable(state) ? "success" : "info"} type="text" placeholder="Username" value={state.username} onChange={onChange} />
{state.loading ?
<Icon align="left"><span className="fas fa-spinner fa-pulse" /></Icon>
<Icon align="left"><span className="fas fa-user" /></Icon>
{isAvailable(state) && <Form.Help color="success">This username is available</Form.Help>}

function PasswordField({ name, value, onChange, error }: { name: string, value: string, error: string, onChange: React.ChangeEventHandler }) {
return (
<Form.Control iconLeft>
<Form.Input className={error ? "animated pulse faster" : ""} color={error ? "danger" : "info"} type="password" placeholder="Password" value={value} onChange={onChange} />
<Icon align="left"><span className="fas fa-key" /></Icon>
{error && <Form.Help color="danger">{error}</Form.Help>}

// the elements at the bottom of a login form
function LoginBottom({ state, dispatch, onLogin }: { state: ILoginState, dispatch: Function, onLogin: Function }) {
const [password, setPassword] = useState('')
const [error, setError] = useState('')

const handleSubmit = async () => {
if (state.userTree === undefined) {
throw new Error("must have a user tree to login")

const tree = state.userTree
const username = state.username

let secureKey = await securePasswordKey(username, password)
let secureAddr = await didFromKey(secureKey)
let resolveResp = await tree.resolve("tree/_tupelo/authentications")
let auths: string[] = resolveResp.value
if (auths.includes(secureAddr)) {
tree.key = secureKey
} else {
setError("invalid password")

return (
<PasswordField error={error} name="Password" value={password} onChange={(evt: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => { setError(''); setPassword( }} />
<Button onClick={handleSubmit}>Login</Button>

// the elements at the bottom of a login form
function RegisterBottom({ state, dispatch, onLogin }: { state: ILoginState, dispatch: Function, onLogin: Function }) {
const [password, setPassword] = useState('')
const [passwordConfirm, setPasswordConfirm] = useState('')
const [error, setError] = useState('')

const isConfirmed = () => {
return password === passwordConfirm

const handleSubmit = () => {
if (!isConfirmed()) {
setError('Passwords do not match')
return // do nothing here
dispatch({ type: Actions.registering })
const doRegister = async () => {
const username = state.username
const insecureKey = await insecureUsernameKey(username)

const secureKey = await securePasswordKey(username, password)
const secureKeyAddress = await didFromKey(secureKey)

const community = await getAppCommunity()
const tree = await ChainTree.newEmptyTree(community.blockservice, insecureKey)

log("playing transactions")
await txsWithCommunityWait(tree, [
// Set the ownership of the chaintree to our secure key (thus owning the username)
// Cache the username inside of the chaintree for easier access later
setDataTransaction(usernamePath, username),
tree.key = secureKey

return (
<PasswordField error={error} name="Password" value={password} onChange={(evt: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => { setError(''); setPassword( }} />
<PasswordField error={error} name="Confirm Password" value={passwordConfirm} onChange={(evt: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => { setError(''); setPasswordConfirm( }} />
<Button onClick={handleSubmit}>Register</Button>

export function LoginForm(props: RouteProps) {
const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer, initialState)
const [redirect, doRedirect] = useState(false)

const [, globalDispatch] = useContext(StoreContext)

const handleUsernameChange = (evt: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => {
dispatch({ type: Actions.loginFormType, username:, dispatch: dispatch } as IUsernameType)

const onLogin = async (tree: ChainTree) => {
const did = await
type: AppActions.login,
userTree: tree,
username: state.username,
did: did,
} as IAppLogin)

let { from } = (props.location && props.location.state) ? props.location.state : { from: { pathname: "/wallet" } };

if (redirect) {
return (
<Redirect to={from} />

return (
<Columns className="is-desktop">
<Columns.Column size={"half"}>
<Heading className="animated flipInX fast">Hello.</Heading>
<Heading subtitle>Find or create your wallet.</Heading>

<Columns className="is-desktop">
<Columns.Column size={"half"}>
<UsernameField state={state} onChange={handleUsernameChange} />
{state.loading && state.username &&
<Loader style={{ width: 25, height: 25 }} />
<p className="animated flipInX fast">{state.loadingText}</p>
{!state.loading && state.username && state.userTree && <LoginBottom state={state} dispatch={dispatch} onLogin={onLogin} />}
{!state.loading && state.username && !state.userTree && <RegisterBottom state={state} dispatch={dispatch} onLogin={onLogin} />}

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