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Quytelda Kahja edited this page Jun 13, 2017 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the babel wiki!

Here you will find user documentation for the Babel software program. In the meantime, please enjoy this sample man page.



  -h         --help          Display help and usage information.
  -n N                       Generate N different sequences; essentially this option is the same as running the
                             program N times in sequence, but more efficient.
  -o FILE    --output=FILE   Redirect output to FILE.
  -s SYMBOL  --start=SYMBOL  Use SYMBOL as the starting symbol ("S" is the default).  Every context free grammar
                             is defined to have some starting symbol from which the first production occurs.
                             For example, if we consider the simple, one-line CFG defined by 'S -> a | b',
                             "S" would be the starting symbol, as it is the only variable from which we can
                             make a derivation.  You may choose to use any variable in the CFG as the starting
  -v         --version       Display version information.
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