Btraj is an online UAV plannning framework used to generate safe, dynamically feasible trajectories in previous unknown environemnts. It can be divided as front-end path finding module and back-end trajectory optimization module. In the front-end, we provide two alternates: Fast Marching*(FM*) on a velocity field and A* on a pure grid map. A flight corridor conststs of cubes are generated based on the path. In the back-end, we utilize properties of Bezier curve to confine the piecewise Bezier curves entirely within the corridor and dynamical limits.
Authors:Fei Gao and Shaojie Shen from the HUKST Aerial Robotics Group.
This is research code, any fitness for a particular purpose is disclaimed.
Related Paper
- Online Safe Trajectory Generation For Quadrotors Using Fast Marching Method and Bernstein Basis Polynomial, Fei Gao, William Wu, Yi Lin and Shaojie Shen
Video of this paper can be found:
If you use this planning framework for your academic research, please cite our related paper.
Address = {Brisbane, Australia},
Author = {F. Gao and W.Wu and Y. Lin and S. Shen},
Booktitle = {Online Safe Trajectory Generation For Quadrotors
Using Fast Marching Method and Bernstein Basis Polynomial},
Title = {Proc. of the {IEEE} Intl. Conf. on Robot. and Autom.},
Month = May,
Year = {2018}}
- Our testing environment: Ubuntu 16.04, ROS Kinetic.
- We provide a simple simulation to test the code. To run the simulation, you should install armadillo, which is a c++ linear algebra library. Then clone and compile plan_utils, which contains several ROS-package used for running the simulation.
sudo apt-get install libarmadillo-dev
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone
cd ../
source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
Clone the repository to your catkin workspace and catkin_make. For example:
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone
cd ../
source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
We use mosek for solving quadratic program(QP), fast_methods for performing general fast marching method and sdf_tools for building euclidean distance field.
The source code is released under GPLv3 license.
- The code has not been deeply tested, if you find any problems, do not hesitate to raise a issue or write e-mail to me directly.
- The code is written for research purpose and has not been fully optimized. In the future I will add more functionalities and improve efficiency, and also add more comment.
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