This is a recipe recommender built off of Jamie Oliver's recipes on This application allows the user to enter n amount of ingredients, their macronutritional and caloric minimums, which will then output a dataframe that meets their requirements.
- NumPy
- Pandas
- Matplotlib
- Seaborn
- Scikit-learn
- re
- nltk
- wordcloud
- datetime
- unidecode
- string
- ast
- bs4
- time
- requests
- streamlit
Run the .py file in streamlit using VSCode terminal with the libraries above installed. To run the streamlit app, use:
streamlit run
For jupyter notebook followthrough, run the following notebooks in this order:
WebscrapingJO.ipynb (Keep in mind, this process will take 40-50 minutes depending on your system, so i suggest installing the Jamie_Oliver_Recipes.csv and move onto step 2, or install Cleaned_data.csv and skip to step 3).
This project was inspired by: