The Telegram bot sends a picture with cat or dog using API.
The sources of pictures are: and
- User pushs one of the buttons from Telegram chat menu: 'kitty', 'doggy', 'kitty or doggy';
- Bot sends an appropriate picture in accordance with selected pet.
- clone the repository on your local directory by the command '$ git clone';
- create a virtual environment by the command python -m venv venv
- activate the virtual environment by the command source venv/Scripts/activate (for Windows) or by the command source venv/bin/activate (for Mac);
- upload the requirements from requirements.txt by the command pip install -r requirements.txt;
- get Telegram tocken follwed by the standard process (a message in Telegram to @BotFather and dialogue with it);
- create a file .env and put there the received Telegram tocken (in string format - 'XXX...XXX'), name this variable as TELEGRAM_TOKEN;
- launch bot by the command python;
- find your bot by the name received within registration on the step 5 above;
- select a pet using Telegram chat menu and enjoy the pictures.