- Auth is a simple, lightweight and safe client-server authentication system. Written in C++11
- Auth features decoupled salt, encryption and network handshaking from implementation.
- Auth is tiny. Header-only.
- Auth is cross-platform.
- Auth is self-contained. No dependencies.
- Auth is zlib/libpng licensed.
int main() {
auth::session at_client( "[email protected]", "sesame", "@pc-workstation" );
auth::session at_server( "[email protected]", "sesame", "@server" );
// similar sessions, not equal until public_key is assigned
assert( at_client != at_server );
at_client.set_public_key( at_server.get_public_key() );
assert( at_client == at_server );
// mutate passphrasses
for( int i = 0; i < rand(); ++i ) {
at_client.mutate(); assert( at_client != at_server );
at_server.mutate(); assert( at_client == at_server );
// debug
std::cout << at_client << std::endl;
std::cout << at_server << std::endl;
std::cout << "All ok." << std::endl;
[session:0034FDC0] {
[email protected];@pc-workstation
[email protected]
[session:0034FD40] {
[email protected];@server
[email protected]
All ok.
- You can compare sessions for equality and sort them, or insert them in a map.
- Sessions are not equal unless they have same
. - A passphrase is made of
. - A passphrase can mutate on both sides to change encryption on the fly.
- A server can hold different sessions that refer to the same user at the same time, ie when logging from different computers.
- Public keys can be sent thru insecure networks.
void setup( string name, string pass, [string context], [string public_key] )
@todocvoid touch()
@todocbool is_timedout() const
@todocbool is_valid() const
@todocvoid invalidate()
@todocvoid reset()
@todocvoid mutate()
@todocvoid set_user_info( string name, string pass )
@todocstring get_user_name() const
@todocstring get_user_context() const
@todocstring get_passphrase() const
@todocvoid set_public_key( string public_key )
@todocstring get_public_key()
@todocsize_t get_timestamp()
, @todoc
- Implement namespace
somewhere both in client and server code. - Check provided sample for a brief reference implementation.
- https://github.com/r-lyeh/vault to handle ARC4 en/decryption.
- https://github.com/r-lyeh/cocoa to handle SHA1/CRC32 hashes.
- https://github.com/r-lyeh/sand to handle time and timestamps.
Check related appendix