Creates a Digital Ocean Droplet to use as a jump host over SSH. Forward all traffic and proxy DNS queries through remote server. Upon terminating (ctrl+c) offer to destroy droplet to save that money!
- Digital Ocean account - if you do not already have one get $100 credit for 60 days.
- doctl - a command line interface (CLI) for the DigitalOcean API:
- sshuttle - where transparent proxy meets VPN meets ssh - likely available in your distro's repo. (ie: apt-get install sshuttle)
After installing requirements: Get your SSH FingerPrint with command:
doctl compute ssh-key list
Example output: ID Name FingerPrint 12345678 yourname 4d:23:e6:e4:8c:17:d2:cf:89:47:36:b5:c7:33:40:4e Create config file:
cp dojump.conf.default dojump.conf
Using your favorite text editor add your FingerPrint for example:
Some variables for creating Droplets are preset:
########################## PRESETS ##########################
nyc1 is default but you can change to: nyc3 sfo2 sfo3 ams3 sgp1 lon1 fra1 tor1 blr1
You can change this but sshuttle need python3 and debian-10-x64 has it by default
Smallest droplet does fine for our purpose $5/mo:
Important: Make sure you do not have an existing Droplet named 'jumpbox' already
When yo get message:
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
Type 'yes' to add new server to your known_hosts.
Ctrl+c to exit, you will have an opportunity to destroy the droplet:
client: Keyboard interrupt: exiting.
Warning: Are you sure you want to delete this Droplet? (y/N) ?
Removes Droplet created (named jumpbox). *If you had network issues or your process aborted for some reason, you can try deleting the Droplet manually:
doctl compute droplet delete jumpbox
Or by logging in to your account and delete Droplet from there.
If you choose the keep Droplet next time the script will resume using the same one.