Welcome to the Library Management System (LMS) - V2. This application is designed to streamline library operations, offering a comprehensive solution for managing books, sections, users, and more. This guide will walk you through the steps required to set up and run the LMS on a Linux-based system or environment.
Steps to run the application in linux based system/environment
- Install redis-server globally [sudo apt install redis-server]
- Create virtual environment [python3 -m venv env_name]
- Activate virtual environment [source env_name/bin/activate]
- Install all the dependencies from requirements.txt [pip install -r requirements.txt]
- Open 5 terminals (wsl in case of windows)
- Terminal 1
- Run redis-server [redis-server] => globally
- Terminal 2
- Activate virtual environment [source env_name/bin/activate]
- Run the application [python3 app.py] => inside venv
- Terminal 3
- Activate virtual environment [source env_name/bin/activate]
- Run MailHog server [~/go/bin/MailHog] => inside venv
- Terminal 4
- Activate virtual environment [source env_name/bin/activate]
- Run celery server for beat [celery -A app:celery_app beat -l INFO] => inside venv
- Terminal 5
- Activate virtual environment [source env_name/bin/activate]
- Run celery server for worker [celery -A app:celery_app worker -l INFO] => inside venv
- Terminal 1
Database will be created automatically after running the application with one admin and one user credentials