Takes the first/latest item from a Penny Arcade RSS-feed (the feed needs to be mashed together using Yahoo Pipes, as described by Scott Sinclair and retrieves the latest comic image, and then mails that image to a specified email address.
The project is based on xkcd-Mailer by Ismo Vuorinen.
The script needs a simple configuration. Modify config.example.php
to fit your needs and save as config.php
* PennyArcade-Mailer configuration example
* Save me as config.php
// Your timezone, PHP5 required.
// See full list: http://www.php.net/manual/en/timezones.php
// Your destination
$mail = "[email protected]";
$from = "PennyArcade mailer <[email protected]>";
15 minutes over 7am on monday, wednesday and friday.
15 7 * * 1,3,5 /usr/bin/php /full/path/to/pennyarcade-mailer.php
- Script doesn't check if the feed has been updated, possibly causing old comic delivery
- Fork the code
- Do your changes
- Send pull request
- Bask in glory of open source love