Galaxy (galaxyproject) Instructions
This documents aims for who has no or little experience Ansible or Saltstack (pick one). May not be complete at this time of writing.**
- These documents includes -
- Instruction/Notes to deploy Galaxy using SaltStack from
- Notes to deploy Galaxy using Ansible from
- Script to fix tools which are currently broken when you try install from tool shed.
- Script to Download and Update datamanager (.loc) files
- Install annovar (Not including the tool itself)
- Galaxy:
- Tested - v17.09 & 18.01** Compatiblity - 17. +
- OS:
- Tested: Ubuntu 16.04 Compatbilty : Ubuntu 16.04 + , Redhat/CentOS 7 + (Maybe Most major release with systemd)
- Saltstask:
- Tested: 2016.11 Compatiblity: 2016.11 _
- Ansible:
- Tested: 2.4.0 Compatiblity: 2.4 +
- Install salt minion : Follow instruction based on your distribution .
- Standalone Salt Minion setup : Follow instruction here .
- example configuration of "/etc/salt/minion"
#---------------------- master_type: "disable" file_client: local file_roots: base: - /srv/salt pillar_roots: base: - /srv/pillar #----------------------
- Copy the dirctory saltstack/galaxy to /srv/salt
- Create a file "/srv/pillar/top.sls" and Enter the configuration based on pilalr.example <>
- Install Ansible : Instructions here- .
- In this example we will use local host with default ansible config.
- Copy the contents of ansible-galaxy to "/etc/asible/roles/galaxy" (create directory i you need to)
- Give your localhost a name: add a line "galaxy-local ansible_connection=local"
- Create a playbook for galaxy-local, e.g. "/etc/ansible/galaxy-local.yml'
- example config:
- hosts:
- galaxy-localroles:
- postgresql # Only if you want to use postgres
- nginx # only if you want to use nginx
- galaxy
- Create vars file for this host here- "/etc/ansible/hosst_vars/galaxy-local.yml" and Enter the Vars exlained here
Reason: currently the galaxy tool depndeny "package_bx_python_0_7" is broken. Fix:
- Download the script .
- open it with an editor, make sure all the variables are set correctly
- make it executable:
chmod +x
- run it:
Note: This will update Galaxy datamanager list automatically Instrcution:
- Download the script :
- open it with an editor, make sure all the variables and loc file list are updated
- make it executable:
chmod +x
- run it: