This site is no longer up to date. Please seek more information from current sources.
The VAT rules are changing in January 2015. Help me collect information and resources to help micro-businesses that are caught up in the change.
If you want to add resources or help me curate this information then submit a pull request with your changes.
Or just raise an issue here on GitHub with a new resource, a question or some other information. I'll add stuff in as I get it.
You can always just email me at [email protected] if you want to send me some info and would rather not use GitHub.
Please share this site or my initial blog post with people who might be caught by these rules and are currently unaware.
If you are a tax professional and could help me help people like me then I would love to hear from you. All of the resources out there currently require an understanding of how VAT Rules currently work. I'm "fortunate" in having already got a reasonable understanding as we've been VAT Registered and selling to member states for years. Many of the people this legislation will catch are not currently registered and will need advice that doesn't make assumptions in terms of what they already do.