SIO2 is a free platform for carrying out algorithmic contests and OIOIOI is its main component — the web interface.
You can easily start development and run oioioi out of the box with vagrant. Just enter the directory where Vagrantfile and this README are placed, and type:
vagrant up
It will create an instance of virtual machine with web server and judges running.
You can specify configuration in vagrant.yml. Supported configuration options (with example):
port: 8001 # run oioioi on port 8001 instead of the default 8000 runserver_cmd: runserver_plus # use runserver_plus instead of runserver
Additionally, there are available docker files to create images containing our services.
To start with, create oioioi-base image with a command:
docker build -t oioioi-base -f Dockerfile.base .
Then run docker-compose up to start the infrastructure.
To start additional number of workers, use docker-compose scale worker=<number> as described here.
To develop with docker after creating oioioi-base image, create oioioi image with:
docker build -t oioioi .
Then run:
OIOIOI_UID=$(id -u) docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up
to start the infrastructure in development mode. Current dirrectory with source code will be binded to /sio2/oioioi/ inside running container, and logs from services will be availible outside of the container in ./logs/.
In both cases, oioioi web interface will be availible at localhost:8000, and the user admin with password admin will be created. If you are using docker installation in production encvironment remember to change the password.
It should be easier to begin with a separate folder at first:
mkdir sio2 cd sio2
and to install OIOIOI inside a virtualenv:
virtualenv venv . venv/bin/activate
Then OIOIOI and its dependencies can be installed using the following commands:
git clone git:// cd oioioi pip install -r requirements.txt
OIOIOI is a set of Django applications, therefore you need to create a folder with Django settings and other deployment configuration:
cd .. oioioi-create-config deployment cd deployment
The created deployment directory looks like a new Django project, but already configured to serve the OIOIOI portal. You need to at least set the database configuration in
In case of using PostgreSQL, install Psycopg2:
pip install psycopg2
Finally initialize the database:
./ migrate
We use PostgreSQL.
Then you need to copy static files, like images and styles, to the deployment directory:
./ collectstatic
In the simple configuration, OIOIOI will use the system-installed compilers, and will not use the safe execution environment. User's programs will be run with the normal user privileges. This is not a safe configuration and the judging will run quite slowly. It is to easily make OIOIOI up and running for testing purposes.
Ensure that required dependencies are installed:
- gcc/g++ (Ubuntu package: build-essential)
- fpc (Ubuntu package: fp-compiler)
- latex with support for Polish (Ubuntu packages: texlive-latex-base, texlive-lang-polish)
- lighttpd binary (Ubuntu package: lighttpd, shall not be run as service)
and in one terminal run the Django web server:
./ runserver
and in the other the evaluation daemons:
./ supervisor
The supervisor process monitors all processes needed by OIOIOI, except the web server. It has many nice features.
You can create an administrator account by running:
./ createsuperuser
If you see a locale error, you may want to circumvent it by providing another locale to the command:
LC_ALL=C ./ createsuperuser
Now you're ready to access the site at http://localhost:8000.
Begin with the simple configuration described above.
Make sure you are in the deployment folder and the virtualenv is activated.
Install RabbitMQ. We tested version 2.8.6 from RabbitMQ Debian/Ubuntu Repos. Anything newer should work as well.
Uncomment and set BROKER_URL in to point to the configured RabbitMQ vhost. The default setting corresponds to the default RabbitMQ installation.
Download sandboxes:
./ download_sandboxes
Disable system compilers and unsafe code execution by commenting out USE_UNSAFE_EXEC = True and USE_LOCAL_COMPILERS = True in
(optionally) Disable starting the judging process on the server, especially if you want to configure judging machines (see below) for judging, what is strongly recommended. Comment out the RUN_LOCAL_WORKERS = True setting.
(required only for dedicated judging machines) Configure Filetracker server by setting FILETRACKER_LISTEN_ADDR and FILETRACKER_URL in and restart the daemons.
Ensure that production-grade dependencies are installed:
- uwsgi (pip install uwsgi)
Install and configure web server. We recommend using nginx with uwsgi plugin (included in nginx-full Ubuntu package). An example configuration is automatically created as nginx-site.conf. Have a look there. What you probably want to do is (as root):
cp nginx-site.conf /etc/nginx/sites-available/oioioi ln -s ../sites-available/oioioi /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ service nginx reload
Once this is done, you no more need to run runserver.
If you prefer deploying with Apache, an example configuration is created as apache-site.conf. You would need to install apache2 and libapache2-mod-uwsgi packages.
Comment out DEBUG = True in This is crucial for security and efficiency. Also set ALLOWED_HOSTS.
Set admin email in settings. Error reports and teacher account requests will be sent there.
Set SMTP server in settings. Otherwise new user registration (among others) will not work.
You probably want to run supervisor -d automatically when the system starts. One way is to add the following line to the OIOIOI user's crontab (
crontab -e
):@reboot <deployment_folder>/
(optionally) If you have efficiency problems or expect heavy load, you may consider using gevent as uwsgi event loop. To do so, install gevent and set UWSGI_USE_GEVENT flag in
(optionally) You can also enable content caching. To do so, first you have to install dependencies:
- memcached (Ubuntu package: memcached)
- python-memcached (pip install python-memcached)
Next, you have to uncomment the corresponding lines under "Cache" in and set the address of your memcached instance. Note that you can run memcached locally or on a remote server. For more information about memcached configuration see official documentation.
(optionally) You can ensure users are automatically notified of certain events in the system - or notify them on your own - just enable the Notifications Server. For more information, consult the notifications/README.rst file.
On every judging machine do the following:
Create a new user account for the judging processes and switch to it.
Set up virtualenv:
virtualenv venv . venv/bin/activate
Download and install the sioworkers package:
git clone cd sioworkers python install
Copy and adjust configuration files:
cp config/supervisord.conf{.example,} cp config/supervisord-conf-vars.conf{.example,}
Modify SIOWORKERSD_HOST and FILETRACKER_URL variables in config/supervisord-conf-vars.conf. By default, sioworkersd is run by supervisor on the same host as OIOIOI (SIO2). Filetracker server is also run there, by default on port 9999. You should consider changing WORKER_CONCURRENCY to smaller value if you are judging problems without oitimetool (depends on rules of concrete contest and USE_UNSAFE_EXEC in deployment/ on OIOIOI host).
Start the supervisor:
./ start
You probably want to have the worker started automatically when system starts. In order to have so, add the following line to the sioworker user's crontab (
crontab -e
):@reboot <deployment_folder>/ start
It is strongly recommended to install the librabbitmq Python module (on the server). We observed some not dispatched evaluation requests when running celery with its default AMQP binding library:
pip install librabbitmq
Celery will pick up the new library automatically, once you restart the daemons using:
./ supervisor restart all
The sandboxes provided by the SIO2 Project contain 32-bit binaries. Therefore it is recommended that OIOIOI is installed on a 32-bit Linux system. Otherwise, required libraries may be missing. Here we list some of them, which we found needed when installing OIOIOI in a pristine Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin):
- libz (Ubuntu package: zlib1g:i386)
Make sure you are in the deployment folder and the virtualenv is activated. Then run:
pip install -e git:// ./ migrate ./ collectstatic ./ supervisor restart all
and restart the judging machines.
Please make sure to reinstall all packages to avoid compatibility issues:
pip install -e git:// pip install -I --force-reinstall -r requirements.txt ./ migrate ./ collectstatic ./ supervisor restart all
When new features are added, the configuration files in your custom deployment directory may need an update. An example valid configuration can always be found in the oioioi sources (oioioi/deployment directory, *.template files). One of the simplest ways to learn about the changes is:
diff -u path_to_deployment/changed_file path_to_oioioi/oioioi/deployment/changed_file.template
Once you have made sure that your deployment directory is up-to-date, change CONFIG_VERSION in your custom deployment/ so that it equals INSTALLATION_CONFIG_VERSION in oioioi/
List of changes since the CONFIG_VERSION numbering was introduced:
Added unpackmgr queue entry to deployment/supervisord.conf:
[program:unpackmgr] command={{ PYTHON }} {{ PROJECT_DIR }}/ celeryd -E -l info -Q unpackmgr -c {{ settings.UNPACKMGR_CONCURRENCY }} startretries=0 stopwaitsecs=15 redirect_stderr=true stdout_logfile={{ PROJECT_DIR }}/logs/unpackmgr.log
Added Notifications Server entries to deployment/supervisord.conf:
[program:notifications-server] command={{ PYTHON }} {{ PROJECT_DIR }}/ notifications_server redirect_stderr=true {% if not settings.NOTIFICATIONS_SERVER_ENABLED %}exclude=true{% endif %}
Added NOTIFICATIONS_ options to deployment/
# Notifications configuration (client) # This one is for JavaScript client. # It should contain actual URL available from remote machines. NOTIFICATIONS_SERVER_URL = 'http://localhost:7887/' # Notifications configuration (server) NOTIFICATIONS_SERVER_ENABLED = False # URL connection string to a Notifications Server instance NOTIFICATIONS_OIOIOI_URL = 'http://localhost:8000/' # URL connection string for RabbitMQ instance used by Notifications Server NOTIFICATIONS_RABBITMQ_URL = 'amqp://localhost' # Port that the Notifications Server listens on NOTIFICATIONS_SERVER_PORT = 7887
Added prizesmgr queue entry to deployment/supervisord.conf:
[program:prizesmgr] command={{ PYTHON }} {{ PROJECT_DIR }}/ celeryd -E -l info -Q prizesmgr -c 1 startretries=0 stopwaitsecs=15 redirect_stderr=true stdout_logfile={{ PROJECT_DIR }}/logs/prizesmgr.log
Added ATOMIC_REQUESTS database option to deployment/
DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.', # Add 'postgresql_psycopg2', 'mysql', 'sqlite3' or 'oracle'. 'NAME': '', # Or path to database file if using sqlite3. 'USER': '', # Not used with sqlite3. 'PASSWORD': '', # Not used with sqlite3. 'HOST': '', # Set to empty string for localhost. Not used with sqlite3. 'PORT': '', # Set to empty string for default. Not used with sqlite3. 'ATOMIC_REQUESTS': True, # Don't touch unless you know what you're doing. } }
Added rankingsd, cleanupd, ipauthsyncd, ipauth-dnsserver entries to deployment/supervisord.conf:
[program:rankingsd] command={{ PYTHON }} {{ PROJECT_DIR }}/ rankingsd startretries=0 redirect_stderr=true stdout_logfile={{ PROJECT_DIR }}/logs/rankingsd.log [program:cleanupd] command={{ PROJECT_DIR }}/ cleanupd redirect_stderr=true stdout_logfile={{ PROJECT_DIR }}/logs/cleanupd.log [program:ipauthsyncd] command={{ PYTHON }} {{ PROJECT_DIR }}/ ipauthsyncd startretries=0 redirect_stderr=true stdout_logfile={{ PROJECT_DIR }}/logs/ipauthsyncd.log {% if not 'oioioi.ipauthsync' in settings.INSTALLED_APPS %}exclude=true{% endif %} [program:ipauth-dnsserver] command={{ PYTHON }} {{ PROJECT_DIR }}/ ipauth-dnsserver startretries=0 redirect_stderr=true stdout_logfile={{ PROJECT_DIR }}/logs/ipauth-dnsserver.log {% if not settings.IPAUTH_DNSSERVER_DOMAIN %}exclude=true{% endif %}
Added new condition to sioworkersd in deployment/supervisord.conf and corresponding entry in deployment/
{% if settings.SIOWORKERS_BACKEND != 'oioioi.sioworkers.backends.SioworkersdBackend' or not settings.RUN_SIOWORKERSD %}exclude=true{% endif %}
Added evalmgr-zeus entry to deployment/supervisord.conf:
[program:evalmgr-zeus] command={{ PYTHON }} {{ PROJECT_DIR }}/ celeryd -E -l debug -Q evalmgr-zeus -c 1 startretries=0 stopwaitsecs=15 redirect_stderr=true stdout_logfile={{ PROJECT_DIR }}/logs/evalmgr-zeus.log {% if not settings.ZEUS_INSTANCES %}exclude=true{% endif %}
Deleted zeus-fetcher entry from deployment/supervisord.conf.
Added ZEUS_PUSH_GRADE_CALLBACK_URL entry to deployment/
Added logging to file for logger oioioi.zeus in deployment/
LOGGING['handlers']['zeus_file'] = { 'level': 'INFO', 'class': 'logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler', 'filename': '__DIR__/logs/zeus.log', 'maxBytes': 1024 * 1024 * 5, # 50 MB same as default in supervisord 'backupCount': 10, # same as in supervisord 'formatter': 'date_and_level', } LOGGING['loggers']['oioioi.zeus'] = { 'handlers': ['zeus_file'], 'level': 'DEBUG', }
- Removed SAFE_EXEC_MODE entry from deployment/
- Removed FILELOCK_BASEDIR entry from deployment/
- Removed ENABLE_SPLITEVAL and SPLITEVAL_EVALMGR entries from deployment/
- Removed evalmgr-lowprio entry from deployment/supervisord.conf.
New version of sioworkers with changed database backend. Please update sioworkers with:
. venv/bin/activate pip install -r requirements.txt
and remove old database file (deployment/sioworkersd.sqlite by default).
Changed database filename (--database option) in deployment/supervisord.conf:
[program:sioworkersd] command=twistd -n -l- --pidfile={{ PROJECT_DIR }}/pidfiles/ sioworkersd --database={{ PROJECT_DIR }}/sioworkersd.db # (...)
Added commented out OIOIOI_INSTANCE_PRIORITY_BONUS and OIOIOI_INSTANCE_WEIGHT_BONUS entries to deployment/
# Bonus to judging priority ang judging weight for each contest on this # OIOIOI instance. #OIOIOI_INSTANCE_PRIORITY_BONUS = 0 #OIOIOI_INSTANCE_WEIGHT_BONUS = 0
Modified comment to SITE_NAME entry in deployment/
# Site name displayed in the title and used by sioworkersd # to distinguish OIOIOI instances. SITE_NAME = 'OIOIOI'
- Removed CeleryBackend from sioworkers backends, SioworkersdBackend set as new default backend. Removed [program:sioworkers] entry from deployment/supervisord.conf.
Added PUBLIC_ROOT_URL to deployment/
# The website address as it will be displayed to users in some places, # including but not limited to the mail notifications. # Defaults to 'http://localhost'. #PUBLIC_ROOT_URL = ''
Added mailnotifyd, a backend for handling e-mail subscription to deployment/supervisord.conf:
[program:mailnotifyd] command={{ PYTHON }} {{ PROJECT_DIR }}/ mailnotifyd startretries=0 redirect_stderr=true stdout_logfile={{ PROJECT_DIR }}/logs/mailnotifyd.log
- Removed SUBMITTABLE_EXTENSIONS from deployment/
If you want to use Sentry (crash reporting and aggregation platform) you need to:
Correctly setup RAVEN_CONFIG ( should help you):
# Error reporting import raven RAVEN_CONFIG = { # Won't do anything with no dsn # tip: append ?timeout=5 to avoid dropouts during high reporting traffic 'dsn': 'enter_your_dsn_here', # This should be a path to git repo 'release': raven.fetch_git_sha( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(oioioi.__file__), os.pardir)), }
Add new filter to the logging configuration:
'filters': { ... 'omit_sentry': { '()': 'oioioi.base.utils.log.OmitSentryFilter' }, }
Add Sentry handler:
'handlers': { ... 'sentry': { 'level': 'ERROR', 'filters': ['omit_sentry'], 'class': 'raven.contrib.django.raven_compat.handlers.SentryHandler', } }
Add Sentry handler to every logger:
'handlers': ['console', 'sentry'],
Add new loggers:
'loggers': { ... 'raven': { 'handlers': ['console', 'mail_admins'], 'level': 'DEBUG', 'propagate': False, }, 'sentry.errors': { 'handlers': ['console', 'mail_admins'], 'level': 'DEBUG', 'propagate': False, } }
Upgrade to django 1.9 requires following changes in the config file
TEMPLATE_* variables got replaced with TEMPLATE array. TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS should be changed to:
TEMPLATES[0]['OPTIONS']['context_processors'] += [ # 'oioioi.contestlogo.processors.logo_processor', # 'oioioi.contestlogo.processors.icon_processor', # 'oioioi.avatar.processors.gravatar', # 'oioioi.notifications.processors.notification_processor', # 'oioioi.globalmessage.processors.global_message_processor', ]
Settings should now declare an explicit SITE_ID, you can check your site id via management console:
$ ./ shell >>> Site.objects.get().id 1
The returned id should be added to your config file:
Added filetracker-cache-cleaner entry to deployment/supervisord.conf:
[program:filetracker-cache-cleaner] command=filetracker-cache-cleaner -c {{ FILETRACKER_CACHE_ROOT }} -s {{ FILETRACKER_CACHE_SIZE }} -i {{ FILETRACKER_CACHE_CLEANER_SCAN_INTERVAL }} -p {{ FILETRACKER_CACHE_CLEANER_CLEAN_LEVEL }} redirect_stderr=true stdout_logfile={{ PROJECT_DIR }}/logs/filetracker-cache-cleaner.log {% if not settings.FILETRACKER_CACHE_CLEANER_ENABLED %}exclude=true{% endif %}
Added new options related to remote_storage_factory to deployment/
# When using a remote_storage_factory it's necessary to specify a cache # directory in which necessary files will be stored. #FILETRACKER_CACHE_ROOT = '__DIR__/cache' # When using a remote storage it's recommended to enable a cache cleaner deamon # which will periodically scan cache directory and remove files what aren't # used. For a detailed description of each option, please read a cache cleaner # configuration section in the sioworkersd documentation. #FILETRACKER_CACHE_CLEANER_ENABLED = True #FILETRACKER_CACHE_CLEANER_SCAN_INTERVAL = '1h' #FILETRACKER_CACHE_CLEANER_CLEAN_LEVEL = '50' #FILETRACKER_CACHE_SIZE = '8G'
Added oioioiworker entry to deployment/supervisord.conf:
[program:oioioiworker] command=twistd -n -l- --pidfile={{ PROJECT_DIR }}/pidfiles/ worker -c 2 localhost redirect_stderr=true stdout_logfile={{ PROJECT_DIR }}/logs/oioioiworker.log {% if not settings.RUN_LOCAL_WORKERS %}exclude=true{% endif %}
so that the flag RUN_LOCAL_WORKERS has the desirable effect.
- Enabled oioioi.workers app by default to fix receive_from_workers crashes.
- Made oioioi.prizes Celery configuration conditional on this app being installed. This prevents evalmgr and unpackmgr crashes caused by assuming that oioioi.prizes is always enabled.
Applied the following patch to deployment/
--- a/oioioi/deployment/ +++ b/oioioi/deployment/ @@ -119,10 +119,16 @@ SEND_USER_ACTIVATION_EMAIL = False # the given port will be able to see all the files. It's recommended to have # the judging machines on a separate physical network and listen only on the # corresponding IP address. -#FILETRACKER_SERVER_ENABLED = True #FILETRACKER_LISTEN_ADDR = '' + +# Uncomment and change this to run filetracker on non-default port. #FILETRACKER_LISTEN_PORT = 9999 # When using a remote_storage_factory it's necessary to specify a cache # directory in which a necessary files will be stored. #FILETRACKER_CACHE_ROOT = '__DIR__/cache'
Well, we don't have a full-fledged User's Guide, but feel free to propose what should be added here.
To run a contest, you obviously need some tasks. To add a task to a contest in OIOIOI, you need to create an archive, called task package. Here are some pointers, how it should look like:
- example task packages used by our tests,
- a rudimentary task package format specification.
OIOIOI has a big suite of unit tests. All utilites that are useful for testing
can be found in test/
directory. Currently these are:
- a simple test
- runs the same tests as, but uses multiple
- load testing script
Amanda is recommended for doing OIOIOI backups. Sample configuration with README
is available in extra/amanda
Additional information can be found on our:
If you have any further questions regarding installation, configuration or usage of OIOIOI, there are some places you can reach us through:
- our mailing list
- GitHub issues system (English only)