httptail is a simple tool that lets tail a file, or multiple files at the same moment, over http. Just expose your logs on an apache (or whatever) VirtualDirectory and enjoy an "heroku logs"-like experience. The tool can also be used as a nodejs library; instead of logging to the console it will give you a callback(index, url, chunk) for every "tailed" file like in the following example, in which it pairs with the wonderful logstash-client:
var Logstash = require('logstash-client');
var HttpTailer = require('httptail/lib/HttpTailer').HttpTailer;
var logstash = new Logstash({
type: 'udp', // udp, tcp, memory
host: 'localhost',
port: 9999 //13333
var lines = 100;
var pause = 1000;
var tail = true;
var url = [
var count = 0;
for (i in url) {
var tailer = new HttpTailer(url[i], i, lines, pause, tail);
tailer.start(function(index, url, chunk){
logstash.send("[" + url + "] " + chunk.toString(), function(){
console.log("%d lines sent", (++count));
npm install httptail -g
httptail url [otherUrls...] [options]
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-n, --number [lines] Number of lines (estimated, 100 chars each)
-t, --tail Follow the tail of the file
-p, --pause [msecs] Pause in msecs between pollings
-v, --verbose [level] low: print #number before the line; high: print url
To build and install from source locally:
- git clone
- cd httptail
- npm -g install .