- NOTE: May 2016 ... for folks with legacy gtfsdb databases, two new columns were recently added. These two statements will keep you running against the new code w/out having to fully recreate your database from scratch:
- ALTER TABLE routes ADD COLUMN min_headway_minutes integer;
- ALTER TABLE calendar ADD COLUMN service_desc character varying(255);
- PostgreSQL (PostGIS for Geo tables) - preferred
- Oracle - tested
- MySQL - tested
- SQLite - tested
Python code that will load GTFS data into a relational database, and SQLAlchemy ORM bindings to the GTFS tables in the gtfsdb.
The gtfsdb project's focus is on making GTFS data available in a programmatic context for software developers. The need for the gtfsdb project comes from the fact that a lot of developers start out a GTFS-related effort by first building some amount of code to read GTFS data (whether that's an in-memory loader, a database loader, etc...); GTFSDB can hopefully reduce the need for such drudgery, and give developers a starting point beyond the first step of dealing with GTFS in .csv file format.
Available on pypi: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/gtfsdb
- Install Python 2.7, easy_install and buildout on your system...
- git clone https://github.com/OpenTransitTools/gtfsdb.git
- cd gtfsdb
- buildout install prod NOTE: if you're using postgres, do a 'buildout install prod postgresql'
- bin/gtfsdb-load --database_url <db url> <gtfs file | url> examples: - bin/gtfsdb-load --database_url sqlite:///gtfs.db http://developer.trimet.org/schedule/gtfs.zip - bin/gtfsdb-load --database_url postgresql://postgres@localhost:5432 --is_geospatial http://developer.trimet.org/schedule/gtfs.zip NOTE: using the is_geospatial arg will take much longer to load...
The best way to get gtfsbd up and running is via the python 'buildout' and 'easy_install' tools. Highly recommended to first install easy_install (setup tools) and buildout (e.g., easy_install zc.buildout) before doing anything else.
Postgres users, gtfsdb requires the psycopg2 database driver. If you are on linux / mac, buildout will install the necessary dependencies (or re-use whatever you have in your system site-lib). If you are on windows, you most likely have to find and install a pre-compiled version (see below).
- Have a db - docs and examples assume Postgres/PostGIS installed http://www.postgresql.org/download/windows http://postgis.refractions.net/download/windows/
- Python2.7 - http://www.python.org/download/releases/2.7.6/ (python-2.7.6.msi) NOTE: see this for setting env variables correctly: http://blog.sadphaeton.com/2009/01/20/python-development-windows-part-1installing-python.html
2a. Install Setup Tools (easy_install) https://pypi.python.org/pypi/setuptools#windows-8-powershell 2b. easy_install zc.buildout
- Install Psygopg2 (from binary): http://www.stickpeople.com/projects/python/win-psycopg/
- Check out gtfsdb from trunk with Git - see: git clone https://github.com/OpenTransitTools/gtfsdb.git
- cd top level of gtfsdb tree
- buildout install prod
- bin/gtfsdb-load --database_url <db url> <gtfs file | url>