The System Integration Platform (SIP) Framework is an IKOR product developed from 10 project years of experience with standardized integration of core and peripheral systems. The framework enables …
angular service for syncing $scope over
A custom iOS status bar overlay seen in Apps like Reeder, Evernote and Google Mobile App
A collection of useful Objective-C and iOS classes.
a Tweetie-style tab bar for the iPhone
A subclass of UISlider to use with iPad that includes a UIPopover Scrubber showing the value as it changes.
Allows you to swipe a UITableViewCell and reveal a back view, functions like cells in the "Twitter" app.
An Objective-C RSS / Atom Feed Parser for iOS
jonmarimba / OpenFlow
Forked from thefaj/OpenFlowCoverFlow API replacement for the iPhone
matej / MBProgressHUD
Forked from jdg/MBProgressHUDMBProgressHUD, an iOS activity indicator view