FilterLists is the independent and comprehensive directory of all public filter and hosts lists for advertisements, trackers, malware, and annoyances. For more information on its purpose and function, check out About.
FilterLists improvements are slow and tend to be in spurts. I really care about this project as both a resource for the community and a learning tool for me. But, my day job comes first which often results in little to no work on the project at times. I happily welcome anyone that wants to contribute, though. The immediate projects are converting the data to an actual database (rather than a Google Sheet) and then exposing the data via a .Net Core API. I would also love to build a more responsive front-end, but I am not a front-end developer and would definitely welcome help on this.
Property | Description |
descr | A brief description of the list's functionality. Preferably, this is quoted (if non-English, translate to English via translator or Google Translate for consistency) from the list's documentation or composed by a maintainer of the list. If neither are available, a generic description should be composed by the FilterLists contributor. |
descrSourceUrl | The URL to the list's documentation page from which the description was quoted if applicable. |
donateUrl | The URL to the list's donation page. This could be a custom PayPal or similar link, or a link to a web page discussing various donation options. Pull requests that include changes to this link will undergo further verification to prevent fraud. |
The email address of the list's maintainer(s) if publicly available. | |
forumUrl | The URL to the list's forum where issues, change requests, etc. are discussed. |
homeUrl | The URL to the list's home page. Preferably, this is stated in the header of the list. Alternatively, it could be a custom domain, GitHub page, blog post, forum post, etc. that serves as a primary source of information for the list. |
issuesUrl | The URL to the list's GitHub Issues. |
list | The name of the list as stated by the list maintainer(s) in title case. |
related | List names that are directly related to the list. For example, if a list is a combination of other lists, its master lists would be considered "related". Sorted alphabetically by convention. |
tagLang | Array of ISO 639-1 language codes targeted by the list. |
viewUrl | The URL to the list in raw text format. zip files and other formats are acceptable if no text format is available. |