Search and download manga from
MangaFox Scraper is a library that gets all the needed information about manga for a manga-reader
PHP 7.0.0 or later.
You can install it via Composer by typing the following command:
composer require railken/mangafox
Simple usage looks like:
# Creating a new instance of manager
$manager = new \Railken\Mangafox\Mangafox();
# Searching a manga
$results = $manager
->name('contains', 'One Piece')
->author('contains', 'Oda Eiichiro')
->artist('contains', 'Oda Eiichiro')
->genres('include', ['Action', 'Drama', 'Historical'])
->releasedYear('<', '2017')
->rating('>', 4)
->sortBy('name', 'ASC')
# Retrieving all info about a manga
$manga = $manager
# Retrieving all scans for a given manga, volume and chapter
$scans = $manager
->scan('one_piece', 1, 1)
# Retrieving last updates
$results = $manager->releases()->page(1)->get();
# Perform a query in the directory
$results = $manager
->browseBy('genre', 'Action')
Open-source software licensed under the MIT license.
All the manga are copyrighted to their respective author. Please buy the manga if it's available in your country.