If all you've got is Xcode, your only tool is a 🔨
XCHammer generates Xcode projects from a Bazel Workspace.
Note: this README is intended to be a minimal, quick start guide. For a comprehensive explanation of XCHammer, see Introducing XCHammer and The XCHammer FAQ
You can clone the xchammer repository and run the following to build and install on your path.
make install
Generate using a XCHammerConfig.
xchammer generate <configPath>
XCHammer is configured via a yaml
representation of XCHammerConfig.
The configuration describes projects that should be generated.
# Generates a project containing the target ios-app
- "//ios-app:ios-app"
- "**"
See XCHammerConfig.swift for detailed documentation of the format.
To learn about how Pinterest uses XCHammer with Bazel locally check out Pinterest Xcode Focused Projects.
The sample directory contains a fully functioning iOS app.
Please find more info about developing XCHammer in The XCHammer FAQ. Pull requests welcome 💖.
Connect with the XCHammer team on the #xchammer channel in the xcode.swift slack.