Data visualization and analysis
It involves Overview of EU trade with rest of the world in terms of different transport modes (Rail, Road , Waterways , Airways).
Impact of energy consumption and CO2 emission on GDP and also predictive analysis of CO2 emission.
UI - Shiny Dashboard
Predictions - Arima predictions were used to answer the framed questions.
Algorithms - Logistic Regression, SVM and Anova.
Multiple regression methods to identify the relationship between the variables.
Linear Regression
Multiple Regression
Poisson Regression
Loess – Smoothening
Anova – One Way Analysis of variance – Signiface between variables
Forecasting models : CO2 emission forecasting for 2030
Arima - autoregressive integrated moving average
ETS - The most general and flexible version. Models error, trend and seasonal elements together.
Tbats - TBATS model allows for dynamic seasonality whereas ARIMA approach is that the seasonality is forced to be periodic
Holtwinters - Computes Holt-Winters Filtering of a given time series.
Time Series - Test and Train data
Theta - The theta method of Assimakopoulos and Nikolopoulos (2000) is equivalent to simple exponential smoothing with drift.
Exponential Smothening – An off shoot of the standard moving average technique.
Random walk - A random walk is different from a list of random numbers because the next value in the sequence is a modification of the previous value in the sequence
Structs - Structural Time Series . Fit a structural model for a time series by maximum likelihood
Datahub : The Datahub provides free access to many of CKAN's core features, letting you search for data, register published datasets, create and manage groups of datasets, and get updates from datasets and groups you're interested in
Edgar : The Emissions Database for Global Atmospheric Research (EDGAR) provides global past and present day anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases and air pollutants by country and on spatial grid
Co2 :
Energy :
The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) collects, analyzes, and disseminates independent and impartial energy information to promote sound policymaking, efficient markets, and public understanding of energy and its interaction with the economy and the environment.
Energy :
GDP : BTS is the preeminent source of statistics on commercial aviation, multimodal freight, and transportation economics.