We are going to create 2 more workspaces (dev,qa) in addition to default workspace
Primarily we would name security group to be unique for each workspace
In the same way for EC2 VM Instance Name tag.
Master the below listed
terraform workspace
commands- terraform workspace show
- terraform workspace list
- terraform workspace new
- terraform workspace select
- terraform workspace delete
- What is ${terraform.workspace}? - It will get the workspace name
- Popular Usage-1: Using the workspace name as part of naming or tagging behavior
- Popular Usage-2: Referencing the current workspace is useful for changing behavior based on the workspace. For example, for non-default workspaces, it may be useful to spin up smaller cluster sizes.
# 1: Security Group Names
name = "vpc-ssh-${terraform.workspace}"
name = "vpc-web-${terraform.workspace}"
# 2: For non-default workspaces, it may be useful to spin up smaller cluster sizes.
count = terraform.workspace == "default" ? 2 : 1
This will create 2 instances if we are in default workspace and in any other workspaces it will create 1 instance
# 3: EC2 Instance Name tag
"Name" = "vm-${terraform.workspace}-${count.index}"
# 4: Outputs
value = aws_instance.my-ec2-vm.*.public_ip
value = aws_instance.my-ec2-vm.*.public_dns
You can create a list of all of the values of a given attribute for the items in the collection with a star. For instance, aws_instance.my-ec2-vm.*.id will be a list of all of the Public IP of the instances.
- Default Workspace: Every initialized working directory has at least one workspace.
- If you haven't created other workspaces, it is a workspace named default
- For a given working directory, only one workspace can be selected at a time.
- Most Terraform commands (including provisioning and state manipulation commands) only interact with the currently selected workspace.
# Terraform Init
terraform init
# List Workspaces
terraform workspace list
# Output Current Workspace using show
terraform workspace show
# Terraform Plan
terraform plan -var-file="default.tfvars"
Observation: This should show us two instances based on the statement in EC2 Instance Resource "count = terraform.workspace == "default" ? 2 : 1" because we are creating this in default workspace
# Terraform Apply
terraform apply -var-file="default.tfvars"
# Verify
Verify the same in AWS Management console
1) Two instances should be created with name as "vm-default-0, vm-default-1")
2) Security Groups should be created with names as "vpc-ssh-default, vpc-web-default)
3) Observe the outputs on CLI, you should see list of Public IP and Public DNS
# Create New Workspace
terraform workspace new dev
# Verify the folder
tree terraform.tfstate.d
|_ dev
# Terraform Plan
terraform plan -var-file="dev.tfvars"
Observation: This should show us creating only 1 instance based on statement "count = terraform.workspace == "default" ? 2 : 1" as we are creating this in non-default workspace named dev
# Terraform Apply
terraform apply -var-file="dev.tfvars"
# Verify Dev Workspace statefile
cd terraform.tfstate.d/dev
Observation: You should fine "terraform.tfstate" in "current-working-directory/terraform.tfstate.d/dev" folder
# Verify EC2 Instance in AWS mgmt console
1) Name should be with "vm-dev-0"
2) Security Group names should be as "vpc-ssh-dev, vpc-web-dev"
- Switch workspace from dev to default and destroy resources in default workspace
# Show current workspace
terraform workspace show
# List Worksapces
terraform workspace list
# Workspace select
terraform workspace select default
# Delete Resources from default workspace
terraform destroy
# Verify
1) Verify in AWS Mgmt Console (both instances and security groups should be deleted)
- We cannot delete "default" workspace
- We can delete workspaces which we created (dev, qa etc)
# Delete Dev Workspace
terraform workspace delete dev
Observation: Workspace "dev" is not empty.
Deleting "dev" can result in dangling resources: resources that
exist but are no longer manageable by Terraform. Please destroy
these resources first. If you want to delete this workspace
anyway and risk dangling resources, use the '-force' flag.
# Switch to Dev Workspace
terraform workspace select dev
# Destroy Resources
terraform destroy -auto-approve
# Delete Dev Workspace
terraform workspace delete dev
Workspace "dev" is your active workspace.
You cannot delete the currently active workspace. Please switch
to another workspace and try again.
# Switch Workspace to default
terraform workspace select default
# Delete Dev Workspace
terraform workspace delete dev
Observation: Successfully delete workspace dev
# Verify
In AWS mgmt console, all EC2 instances should be deleted
# Clean-Up local folder
rm -rf .terraform*
rm -rf terraform.tfstate*