Learning management system using MERN stack, Kafka
A) Basic Users (Student & faculty) functionalities:
- Sign up new user (Name, Email and password)
- Sign in existing user
- Sign out.
- Profile (Profile Image, Name, Email, Phone Number, About Me, City, Country, Company, School, Hometown, Languages, Gender)
- Users can update Profile anytime.
B) Faculty
- Only the Faculty can create course with fields CourseId, CourseName, Course Dept, description, CourseRoom, Waitlist Capacity, CourseTeam.
C) Home
- Student can view all the courses he/she has registered.
- Faculty can view all the courses created by them.
D) Course Based:
- Student actions: View Grades, Submit and view the submitted assignments, take quiz, view announcements, people registered for the course, download lecture notes and files.
- Faculty actions: Create assignments, create quizzes, download submissions from students, make announcements, view students registered for a course, grade assignments for students, upload lecture notes and files, remove student from a course.
E) Dashboard
- The student dashboard with course cards are be made organizable.
- User can move course cards to top, bottom and right.
F) Messaging feature
- Students can message other students.
- Students can message Faculty.
- Show the messages under Inbox Tab.
G) Pagination feature added to People search, course search and other suitable views.