Extension implementing a circular icon menu based on WCircleMenu http://danartinho.github.io/WCircleMenu by https://github.com/danartinho
The extension sets an QlikView Object ID into a QlikView Document Variable on icon click. This can be used to switch layout objects via variable triggers for more fancy navgations.
- Menu Items : Comma separated list of images to use for pop-out icons. Middle icon (turning wheel) is always displayed from image ./img/plus.png, place own images into the extension sub-folder ./img
- Object IDs : Corresponding comma separated QlikView Object ID list to use in trigger (in this case Sheet IDs)
- Variable Name : QlikView variable (defined in document) to use to set the Object ID on icon click
- Open on Start : check if icon menu should start in open mode (pop-out)
- Icon Size: size of icon in pixel (default=60)
- Icon Distance: distance of pop-out icons from center icon in pixel (default=100)
- Icon Start Pos.: start position of first pop-out icon (default=-1.52; on top=-Pi/2; on right=0)
- Icon Interval: distance between circular pop-out icons (default=0.64)
Inspired by first implementation attempt here: https://github.com/hvus/Qlikview-Object-WCircleMenu
Example icon used from: https://www.elegantthemes.com/blog/freebie-of-the-week/beautiful-flat-icons-for-free