In short, Internet of Things is interconnectivity between objects. To make this concept possible, have many technology behinds. Before presenting the adopted approach we need to know some IoT enabling technologies, one of them is MQTT.
Wait, what is MQTT? MQTT (MQ Telemetry Transport), is a lightweight messaging protocol for sensors and small mobile devices optimized for TCP / IP networks, if you want to improve on the subject read more.
Perfect, now e knew the MQTT and we know this a very fast protocol to transport data, but only MQTT is enough to build a IoT System? Some time when we received the IoT data we need to do a lot of things: Process this data, save in a database, routing this message to a other systems. If we put all of this process connect only in MQTT Broker probably we will have a scale problem in MQTT Broker. Thinking about that the Confluent brings us a new concept, it consists to create a "mqtt bridge" to retrieve data into MQTT Broker and put this data into a Messaging System like Apache Kafka or RabbitMQ and after these datas are into the Queue we can do anything we want in anytime without to worry about scalability problem. This project implements a simple application that handle it.
- GoLang 1.16.X
- Docker
- Docker Compose
Configure the .env file in the root path
Create a instance of MQTT Broker and RabbitMQ Broker
docker-compose up
Get Applications Packages
go get -u
Running application
Run all process
make start
Run one process per time
make fake_iot_device
make mqtt_bridge
make data_consumer