Tags: ramakpuppala/configuration
Bring release Vagrantfiles up to date with master
Merge pull request openedx-unsupported#1811 from edx/feanil/codejail_… …option Add a new param for codejail proxy but default it to off.
Merge pull request openedx-unsupported#1678 from edx/feanil/rc-lavash-0 Feanil/rc lavash 0
Merge pull request openedx-unsupported#1504 from edx/han/kifli-Vagran… …tfile New boxes for Kifli
Merge pull request openedx-unsupported#1252 from edx/han/johnnycake-ami New johnnycake AMI for full edx sandboxes
Merge pull request openedx-unsupported#1057 from edx/sef/edx-west/loc… …al_playbook_tempdir Stanford only: move tmp dir from edx-west/tmp to edx-west/ec2_cache