A curated list for awesome kubernetes sources Inspired by @sindresorhus' awesome
"Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships."
-- Michael Jordan
Without the help from these amazing contributors, building this awesome-repo would never has been possible. Thank You very much guys !!
Thanks to Gitbook.This awesome list can now be downloaded and read in the form of a book.Check it out --> https://www.gitbook.com/book/ramitsurana/awesome-kubernetes/ .Keep Learning Keep Sharing !!
If you see a package or project here that is no longer maintained or is not a good fit, please submit a pull request to improve this file. Thank you!
If you are interested in becoming a maintainer for the awesome kubernetes list. Please drop me a mail at [email protected] with your name and github id.Thanks
Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.
Source: What is Kubernetes
Kubernetes is known to be a descendant of Google's system BORG
The first unified container-management system developed at Google was the system we internally call Borg. It was built to manage both long-running services and batch jobs, which had previously been handled by two separate systems: Babysitter and the Global Work Queue. The latter’s architecture strongly influenced Borg, but was focused on batch jobs; both predated Linux control groups.
Source: Kubernetes Past
Kubernetes celebrates its birthday every year on 21st July. Kubernetes 1.0 was released on July 21 2015, after being first announced to the public at Dockercon in June 2014.
The awesome-kubernetes will now soon be available in the form of different releases and package bundles, It means that you can download the awesome kubernetes release up to a certain period of time, The release for awesome kubernetes 2015 bundle is released.Checkout the releases column for more info.Stay tuned for more updates.
- Starting Point
- Installation / Setup
- Installers
- Main Resources
- Release Notes
- Useful Articles
- Managed Kubernetes
- Interactive Learning Environments
- MOOC Courses / Tutorials
- Case Studies
- Persistent Volume Providers
- Useful Libraries/Scripts
- Projects
- Monitoring Services
- Testing
- Continuous Delivery
- Serverless Implementation
- Operators
- Custom Schedulers
- Container Support
- Database/NoSQL
- Networking
- Service mesh
- Secret generation and management
- Web applications
- Desktop applications
- Mobile applications
- API/CLI adaptors
- Application deployment orchestration
- Configuration
- Security
- Load balancing
- Developer platform
- Big Data
- Machine Learning
- Service Discovery
- Operating System
- YAML/JSON Config
- Tuning
- Raspberry Pi
- Books 📚
- Slide Presentations
- Videos 📺
- Interesting Twitter Accounts
- Amazing People
- Meetup Groups
- Connecting with Kubernetes
- Conferences
- Contributing
- License
A place that marks the beginning of a journey
- Kubernetes Community Overview and Contributions Guide by Ihor Dvoretskyi
- Are you Ready to Manage your Infrastructure like Google?
- Google is years ahead when it comes to the cloud, but it's happy the world is catching up
- An Intro to Google’s Kubernetes and How to Use It by Laura Frank
- Getting Started on Kubernetes by Rajdeep Dua
- Kubernetes: The Future of Cloud Hosting by Meteorhacks
- Kubernetes by Google by Gaston Pantana
- Key Concepts by Arun Gupta
- Application Containers: Kubernetes and Docker from Scratch by Keith Tenzer
- Learn the Kubernetes Key Concepts in 10 Minutes by Omer Dawelbeit
- Top Reasons Businesses Should Move to Kubernetes Now by Mike Johnston
- The Children's Illustrated Guide to Kubernetes by Deis
- The ‘kubectl run’ command by Michael Hausenblas
- Docker Kubernetes Lab Handbook by Peng Xiao
Helpful Installation/Setup articles for Production Usage in Kubernetes
- Minikube - Run Kubernetes locally
- Kops - OS Agnostique - AWS - Apache-2.0
- Kube-deploy
- Kubeadm - OS Agnostique - Cloud Agnostique - Apache-2.0
- Kubespray - OS Agnostique - Cloud Agnostique - Apache-2.0
- Bootkube - CoreOS - Cloud Agnostique - Apache-2.0
- Kube-aws - CoreOS - AWS - Apache-2.0
- Kismatic - CentOS - Cloud Agnostique - Apache-2.0
- Juju - Ubuntu - Cloud Agnostique - Apache-2.0
- Terraform - CoreOS - AWS - MIT
- Supergiant - CoreOS - Cloud Agnostique - Apache-2.0
- Archon - OS Agnostique - Cloud Agnostique - Apache-2.0
- KubeNow - Ubuntu - Cloud Agnostique - Apache-2.0
- Kubicorn - OS Agnostique - Cloud Agnostique - Apache-2.0
- Simplekube -
OS - Cloud Agnostique - Conjure-up - Ubuntu - Cloud Agnostique - MIT
- Kube-ansible - OS Agnostique - Cloud Agnostique - MIT
- Kubernetes-Saltstack -
OS - Cloud Agnostique - matchbox - CoreOS - Network boot and provision Container Linux clusters (e.g. etcd3, Kubernetes, more).
Official resources from the Kubernetes team
Official release notes from the Kubernetes team on Stable Kubernetes Releases
- Kubernetes-1.9
- Kubernetes-1.8
- Kubernetes-1.7
- Kubernetes-1.6
- Kubernetes-1.5
- Kubernetes-1.4
- Kubernetes-1.3
- Kubernetes-1.2
A piece of writing included with others in a newspaper, magazine, or other publication
- Installation on Centos 7
- Packaging Multiple Resources together
- An Introduction to Kubernetes by Justin Ellingwood
- Scaling Docker with Kubernetes by Carlos Sanchez
- Creating a Kubernetes Cluster to Run Docker Formatted Container Images by Chris Negus
- Containerizing Docker on Kubernetes !! by Ramit Surana
- Quay: Introducing an Application Registry for Kubernetes by Antoine Legrand
- Play With Kubernetes Quickly Using Docker
- 1 command to Kubernetes with Docker compose by Sebastien Goasguen
- Nginx Server Deployment using Kubernetes by Rajdeep Dua
- What even is a kubelet? by Kamal Marhubi
- Kubernetes from the ground up: the API server by Kamal Marhubi
- Kubernetes 101 – Networking by Jon Langemak
- Dynamic Kubernetes installation/configuration with SaltStack by Jon Langemak
- Deploying Kubernetes with SaltStack by Jon Langemak
- Logging in Kubernetes with Fluentd and Elasticsearch by Jon Langemak
- Corekube: Running Kubernetes on CoreOS via OpenStack by Mike Metral
- Networking Kubernetes Clusters on CoreOS with Weave by Weaveworks
- CoreOS + Kubernetes Step By Step by Coreos
- Deploying to Kubernetes with Panamax by Brian DeHamer
- Deploy Kubernetes with a Single Command Using Atomicapp by Jason Brooks
- Deploying a Bare Metal Kubernetes Cluster by James Kyle
- AWS Advent 2014 - CoreOS and Kubernetes on AWS by Tim Dsyinger
- Kubernetes and AWS VPC Peering by Ben Straub
- Deploy a Kubernetes development cluster with Juju! by Matt Bruzek
- Try Kubernetes with Vagrant by Christoph Hartmann
- Keycloak on Kubernetes with OpenShift 3 by Marko Strukelj
- Kubernetes clusters with Oh-My-Vagrant by James
- Fleet Unit Files for Kubernetes on CoreOS by Michael Hamrah
- Kubernetes on AWS by CoreOS
- Testing Kubernetes on AWS by Alan Will
- Kubernetes: First steps on Amazon AWS by Remco
- Kubernetes Container Orchestration through Java APIs by Keith Tenzer
- Containers at Scale with Kubernetes on OpenStack by Keith Tenzer
- Installing cAdvisor and Heapster on bare metal Kubernetes by Jon Langemak
- Docker Clustering Tools Compared: Kubernetes vs Docker Swarm
- Comparison of Networking Solutions for Kubernetes
- Why Docker and Google Kubernetes Are Like PaaS Done Right
- Kubernetes Authentication plugins and kubeconfig by Jon Langemak
- Kubernetes with SaltStack revisited by Jon Langemak
- Kubernetes Authentication - OpenID Connect by Michael Ward
- How to Monitor Kubernetes: A 4-Part Series
- Logging - Kafka topic by namespace by Michael Ward
- Achieving CI/CD with Kubernetes by Ramit Surana
- Kubernetes Monitoring Guide by JM Saponaro
- Deploying Kubernetes with Ansible and Terraform
- Cluster Consul using Kubernetes API
- Continuous Deployment with Google Container Engine and Kubernetes
- Handling Sensitive Data In A Docker Application with Kubernetes Secrets by John Kariuki
- How to Create and Use Kubernetes Secrets by Mohamed Ez Ez
- Microservice Monitoring in Kubernetes with Netsil by Matt Baldwin
- Automate deep learning training with Kubernetes GPU-cluster
- Kubernetes Production Patterns (and Anti-Patterns)
- Manage Kubernetes Clusters on AWS Using Kops
- Kubernetes with SaltStack revisited
- Introducing Kubic Project
- Three post learn k8s
- Kubernetes tips & tricks
- Jenkins declarative pipelines with Kubernetes
- Kubernetes with OpenStack Cloud Provider: Current state and upcoming changes (part 1 of 2)
- Choosing a CNI Provider for Kubernetes by Chris Love
- Enable IPv6 on Kubernetes with Project Calico by Valentin Ouvrard
- Kubernetes in IPV6-only by Valentin Ouvrard
- CoreOS Tectonic
- OpenShift - Container Platform
- SUSE Container as a Service
- Kubermatic
- Canonical Distribution of Kubernetes - CDK
- GCE - Google Compute Engine [default]
- GKE - Google Kubernetes Engine
- AWS - Amazon EC2
- Azure - Microsoft Azure
- Vsphere - VMWare VSphere
- Rackspace - Rackspace
Kubernetes Platform as a Service providers
- Deis Workflow - Deprecated Public Releases
- Kel
- WSO2
- Kumoru - Deprecated - Not Official
- Rancher
- OpenShift Origin
- Eldarion Cloud
- IBM Bluemix Container Service
Learn Kubernetes using an interactive environment without requiring downloads or configuration
List of available free online courses(MOOC) and tutorials
- Kubernetes Tutorials by Kubernetes Team
- Kubernetes By Example by OpenShift Team
- Kubernetes Tutorial by Tutorialspoint
Study of Various different case studies
- Building a Bank with Kubernetes
- Bringing Pokemon Go to Google Cloud
- Monitoring Kubernetes at Wayblazer
- Major League Soccer Monolith to Kubernetes Transition
- Using Kubernetes on AWS
- Kubernetes at Github
- Kubernetes the hard way (installation from scratch)
List of some Persistent Volume Providers for Kubernetes.Check out Persistent Volume Providers for more info
List of some libraries & scripts for executions and good referrals
Kubernetes-related projects that you might find helpful
Projects built to make life with Kubernetes even better, more powerful, more scalable
- Argo The Workflow Engine for Kubernetes
- Hypernetes
- Kubernetes Cluster Federation (previously Ubernetes)
- kmachine
- Kubefuse
- KubeSpray
- Kubernetes Ec2 Autoscaler
- Kubeform
- kube-openvpn
- Archon
- Client Libraries
- Kubic-Project
- Telepresence - Locally develop/debug services against a remote Kubernetes cluster
- Fission Workflows - Workflow-based serverless function composition
- Ambassador - API Gateway built on the Envoy Proxy
To maintain regular surveillance over kubernetes
- Console
- Datadog
- Heapster
- Kube-ui
- Kubebox - Terminal console for Kubernetes
- Kubedash
- Kubernetes Operational View - read-only system dashboard for multiple K8s clusters
- Kubetail
- Kubewatch
- Netsil
- Prometheus
- Sysdig Monitoring
- Sysdig Open Source
- Weave Scope
- Searchlight
Test your applications running on Kubernetes
- kube-monkey
- k8s-testsuite - Helm chart for network and loadtesting of a Kubernetes cluster
- Test-Infra
- PowerfulSeal - kills targeted pods and machines to test your software reliability
Build-test-deploy automated workflow software designed to make production environments more stable and life better for engineers
- Prometheus
- Kong API
- Kubernetes Operators
- K8s Operator Workshop
- Cert Operator
- Cert manager
- Operator Kit
- Container Linux Update Operator
- DB Operator
- etcd
- Elasticsearch
- Memcached
- MongoDB
- PostgreSQL
- PostgreSQL - manage PostgreSQL clusters using StatefulSets and Patroni.
- Kafka
- Scheduler - Cost based scheduler
- Sticky Node Scheduler
- ksched - Experimental flow based scheduler
- kronjob - Recurring jobs
- escheduler - Written in elixir
- bashScheduler - Written in bash
A list of linux containers supported by kubernetes.
- Docker:
- Rkt
- containerd
- cri-containerd - Containerd-based implementation of Kubernetes Container Runtime Interface
- Hyper.sh/frakti - Hypervisor-based container runtime
- virtlet - Kubernetes CRI implementation for running VM workloads
- infranetes
- CockroachDB
- Cassandra / DataStax
- MongoDB
- Hazelcast
- Crate
- Minio
- Vitess - Horizontal scaling of MySql by Youtube
- WeaveWorks
- Canal by Tigera
- OpenContrail
- Nuage
- Kuryr
- Contiv
- Calico
- OpenVSwitch
- Kube-router
- Cilium
- Linen
- Multu
- CNI-Genie
- Romana
- Infoblox
- External DNS - To control DNS records dynamically via Kube resources
- cni-ipvlan-vpc-k8s
- kubernetes-network-policy-recipes
- Vault auth plugin backend: Kubernetes
- Vault controller
- kube-lego
- k8sec
- kubernetes-vault
- kubesec - Secure Secret management
- kube-prompt - Interactive kubernetes client built using go-prompt.
- Kube-shell - Integrated shell for working with the Kubernetes CLI
- Kubebot
- kubectx - switch between clusters on kubectl
- kubens - switch between namespaces on kubectl
- StackStorm
- Kubefuse
- Ksql
- kubectld
- Kubesh - Work around kubectl
- Kubectl Aliases - Aliases for Kubectl
- Vikube - Kubernetes operations from Vim, in Vim
- kube-ps1 - Kubernetes prompt helper for bash and zsh.
- ElasticKube
- AppController
- Broadway
- Kb8or
- IBM UrbanCode
- Nulecule
- Deployment manager
- Psykube
- Brigade - Event Based Scripting using JavaScript
- Kompose
- Jsonnet
- Spread - Acquired by CoreOS
- K8comp
- Ktmpl
- Konfd
- kenv
- kubediff
- Habitat
- Puppet
- Ansible
- Saltstack
- Chef
- Nginx Plus
- Traefik
- AppsCode Voyager - Secure HAProxy based Ingress Controller
- NGINX Ingress Controller
- F5 Big IP Controller
- HAProxy Ingress
- TensorFlow k8s
- mxnet-operator - Tools for ML/MXNet on Kubernetes.
- kubeflow - Machine Learning Toolkit for Kubernetes.
- seldon-core - Open source framework for deploying machine learning models on Kubernetes
- Kube.libsonnet - Currently Unstable
- kompose
- kubeval
Some of the awesome findings and experiments on using Kubernetes with Raspberry Pi.
- Check out Kubecloud
- Setting up a Kubernetes on ARM cluster
- Setup Kubernetes on a Raspberry Pi Cluster easily the official way! by Mathias Renner and Lucas Käldström
- How to Build a Kubernetes Cluster with ARM Raspberry Pi then run .NET Core on OpenFaas by Scott Hanselman
A written or printed work consisting of pages glued or sewn together along one side and bound in covers that provide us with information
- Kubernetes: Up and Running by Kelsey Hightower
- Docker and Kubernetes Under the Hood (Chinese) by Harry Zhang, Jianbo Sun and ZJU SEL lab
- Kubernetes: Scheduling the Future at Cloud Scale by Dave K. Rensin
- Kubernetes in Action by Marko Lukša
- Kubernetes Cookbook by Hideto Saito, Hui-Chuan Chloe Lee, Ke-Jou Carol Hsu
- Getting Started with Kubernetes by Jonathan Baier
- Kubernetes Handbook (OpenSource Book in Chinese) by Pengfei Ni
- Mastering Kubernetes by Gigi Sayfan
- OpenShift in Action by Jamie Duncan & John Osborne
- The DevOps 2.3 Toolkit: Kubernetes by Viktor Farcic
A slide is a single page of a presentation created with software such as PowerPoint or OpenOffice Impress.
- Architecture Overview by enakai00
- Package your Java EE Application using Docker and Kubernetes by Arun Gupta
- Scaling Jenkins with Docker and Kubernetes by Carlos Sanchez
- An Introduction to Kubernetes by Imesh Gunaratne
- Musings on Mesos: Docker, Kubernetes, and Beyond. by Timothy St. Clair
- Cluster management with Kubernetes by Satnam Singh
- A brief study on Kubernetes and its components by Ramit Surana
- Moving to Kubernetes - Tales from SoundCloud by Tobias Schmidt
- Kubernetes Scaling SIG (K8Scale) by Bob Wise
- Network oriented Kubernetes intro by Salv Orlando
- Zero downtime-java-deployments-with-docker-and-kubernetes by Arjan Schaaf
- Kubernetes and CoreOS @ Athens Docker meetup by Mist.io
- Achieving CI/CD with Kubernetes by Ramit Surana
- The Top 5 Metrics to Monitor in Kubernetes
A recording of moving visual images made digitally or on videotape.
- Google I/O 2014 - Containerizing the Cloud with Docker on Google Cloud Platform by Google Developers
- Container Orchestration using CoreOS and Kubernetes by Kelsey Hightower
- A Technical Overview of Kubernetes by Bredan Burns
- Docker Containers and Kubernetes with Brian Dorsey by Brian Dorsey
- Alpaca Kubernetes on AWS by Adrien Lemaire
- Arun Gupta: Package your Java applications using Docker and Kubernetes by Arun Gupta
- "Managing Containers at Scale with CoreOS and Kubernetes" by Kelsey Hightower by Kelsey Hightower
- Kubernetes: The Journey So Far - Greg DeMichillie by Greg DeMichillie
- DevNation 2015 - Paul Bakker - Kubernetes: Beyond the basics by Paul Bakker
- Kubernetes-Defined Monitoring
- Testing Distributed Software on Kubernetes with PowerfulSeal at Kubecon 2017 Austin by Mikolaj Pawlikowski
Twitter is quick, it’s easy to communicate on, and is a very valuable social channel for a brand or business if you use it to its full potential, By following these news aggregators, rolling news channels, and companies, you can get the inside scoop of a story long before it hits the mainstream news outlets.
- Kubernetes
- Google Cloud Platform
- Kube Con
- Kismatic
- Engine Yard
- Apcera
- CoreOS
- DevOps Summit
- KubeWeekly
- KubeFacts
- Skippbox - Acquired by Bitnami
- Sysdig
- Ahmet Alp Balkan, Software Engineer at Google & Google Kubernetes Engine
- Aparna Sinha, Group Product Manager - Kubernetes at Google
- Arun Gupta, Principal Open Source Technologist at Amazon Web Services
- Brandon Philips, CTO at CoreOS
- Brendan Burns, Partner Architect at Microsoft
- Brian Grant, Principal Engineer at Google, Lead Architect of Kubernetes
- Carlos Sanchez, Senior Software Engineer, CloudBees
- Chris Aniszczyk, Chief Operating Officer at Cloud Native Computing Foundation
- Eric Tune, Senior Staff Engineer at Google
- Ihor Dvoretskyi, Developer Advocate at Cloud Native Computing Foundation
- Jessie Frazzelle, Cloud Developer Advocate at Microsoft
- Joe Beda, Founder and CTO at Heptio
- Joseph Jacks, Entrepreneur In Residence at Quantum Corporation
- Kelsey Hightower, Staff Developer Advocate at Google
- Kris Nova, Engineer at Heptio, Creator of Kubicorn
- Michelle Noorali, Software Engineer at Microsoft
- Paris Pittman, Developer Relations Manager - Kubernetes at Google
- Patrick Reilly, Office of the CTO at Cisco, Cisco board of member for CNCF
- Tim Hockin, Senior Staff SW Engineer / Engineering Manager at Google
An awesome way to connect with kubernauts around the globe
- Blog
- Freenode
- Google +
- Stackoverflow
- Slack
- Mailing List (user discussion and Q&A)
- Mailing List (developer/contributor discussion)
- Newsletter
- Community
Some must to go and attend conferences on kubernetes
Contributions are most welcome!
This list is just getting started, please contribute to make it super awesome.
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awesome-kubernetes by Ramit Surana is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.