Django Notification Center is a Python package that provides a flexible and extensible notification system for Django projects.
- Easily send notifications to users.
- Integration with Django's user authentication system.
- Simple API for sending and managing notifications.
Create virtual env
python3 -m venv <myenvname>
source <myenvname>/bin/activate
Install dependencies
pip install requirements.txt
make and deploy migrations
python makemigrations
python migrate
python runserver
python test
Go to <host>:<port> on your browser after running server, where host and port are where this app server running.
You will find all apis in swagger format
It will look like this:
Postman collaction added in repo with here:
A .http file is added at : Apis This can be run using http agent(vscode/pycharm extension)
- You have to register with username, email and password
- It will create user and return token or give error(might be duplication username/email)
- user token have to be used in all other apis
- User login can be done via username and password(which was created in register api)
- it will give user token or give some error in wrong pass or not exist user
- user token have to be used in all other apis
User token will be used in auth header as :
Authorization: Token <user token>
Include this header in all notification
- This api will send notification to user (connect notification service at signals line 23)
- It required receiver_id, notification_type, context of notification, message_content, description
- This api will give all unarchived and undeleted notifications of authenticated user
- This api will give all archived notifications of authenticated user
- This api will archive a notification with id of authenticated user
- This api will soft delete a notification with id of authenticated user
For any questions or inquiries, please feel free to reach out to us:
Name: Ram Pratap
Email: Email
Phone: 7888924374