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Node JS >= 9

Angular >= 8

npm i jquery — Dependency for Bootstrap

npm i popper.js —To show the Column Visibility popover

npm i bootstrap — To show the Column Visibility popover and design

npm i file-saver —To store the API exported or generated file

npm i xlsx —To generate Excel while not using server side processing

npm i moment —To sort date columns while not using server side processing


npm i jquery popper.js bootstrap file-saver xlsx moment angular-tree-table --save

Updating angular.json

Adding jQuery, Popper JS, Bootstrap CSS and JS - Add the following lines in scripts array under build section


Add the following lines in styles array under build section


Integrating in Angular Application

import AngularTreeTableModule in app.module.ts.

Configuration in Component

Declare the below variables for table initialization

tableData: TreeTableData = null; //Table Data Holder
tableConfig = new TreeTableDataConfig(); //Table Configuration
tableHeaders: TreeTableHeaderObject[] = []; //Table Headers and Property Binding

Declare the below methods to populate dummy data into the table

populateDummyData() {
    const data = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < 120; i++) {
      const row = new TreeTableRow(i + '', { sno: i+1, name: 'John '+(i+1), age: i+1. address: {dno: '1-23'}}, false, null);
    this.tableData = new TreeTableData(this.tableConfig);
    this.populateHeaders(); = data;
  populateHeaders() {
    this.tableHeaders.splice(0, this.tableHeaders.length);
    this.tableHeaders.push(new TreeTableHeaderObject('Sno', 'sno', null, true));
    this.tableHeaders.push(new TreeTableHeaderObject('Name', 'name', null, true));
    this.tableHeaders.push(new TreeTableHeaderObject('Age', 'age', null, true));
    this.tableHeaders.push(new TreeTableHeaderObject('User Details', '=CONCAT(Name: |||name|||<br/>|||Age: |||age)', null, true));
    this.tableHeaders.push(new TreeTableHeaderObject('', 'address.dno', null, true));
    this.tableData.headers = this.tableHeaders;

Adding View Element in Component View

Add the below tag in Component HTML View

<angular-tree-table [tableData]=”tableData”></angular-tree-table>

With this you will get the view of basic Table with given data

Basic Tree Table Screenshot

Basic Tree Table

Expandable Table View

To configure the row as an expandable, we need to configure the table as below

tableConfig = {
  showExpandArrows: true, // Showing Arrows each possible row
  showExpandAllArrows: true // Expand all button

Update the populateDummyData method as below to add Children to row

populateDummyData() {
    const data = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < 120; i++) {
      const row = new TreeTableRow(i + '', { sno: i+1, name: 'John '+(i+1), age: i+1}, false, null);
      if (i % 10 !== 0) {
        row.expandable = true;
        const subTableData = new TreeTableData(this.tableConfig); //We can add new config object if required
        const subData = [];
        for (let j = 0; j < (10 - i % 10); j++) {
          const subRow = new TreeTableRow(j + '', { sno: j + 1, name: 'Paul ' + (j + 1), age: j + 1}, false, null);
        subTableData.headers = this.tableHeaders; //Using the same headers as parent table, we can use separate if required = subData;
        row.children = subTableData;
    this.tableData = new TreeTableData(this.tableConfig);
    this.populateHeaders(); = data;

Expandable Table Screenshot

Expandable Table View

Column Visibility Options

columnVisibility: true, // To show columns visibility options on table
columnVisibilityDropDown: true // To show columns visibility options on table as a popover

Column Visibility Options Demo — Popover and Buttons

Column Visibility

Other Configuration Options

There are so many options, most of them are self explanatory

tableConfig = {
      context: null, // Context for click actions
      extraInfos: [], // Show data above the table
      showTableHeaders: true, // To show/ hide headers
      columnVisibility: false, // To show columns visibility options on table
      columnVisibilityDropDown: false, // To show columns visibility options on table as popover
      visibleColumnFiltersVisibility: false,
      visibleColumnFilters: {},
      showExpandArrows: false,
      fullClassName: 'stacktable table-bordered large-only table table-sm',
      sortAscClassName: 'col-sort col-sort-asc',
      sortDescClassName: 'col-sort col-sort-desc',
      sortNothingClassName: 'col-sort col-sort-nothing',
      customClassName: null,
      showExpandAllArrows: false,
      showExpandAllEmptyChildren: false,
      sortedColumn: {},
      showPageLengthDropdown: true,
      pageSizes: [10, 25, 50, 100],
      level: 0,
      columnFilters: {},
      rowClickablesContext: null,
      rowClickables: {},
      commonSearch: true,
      excelExportButton: false,
      excelExportFileName: 'ExportFile',
      excelExportButtonText: 'Excel Export',
      excelExportAllChildren: true,
      excelExportOnlyExpanded: false,
      events: {
          shouldRowExpand: null,
          rowExpanded: null,
          shouldRowCollapse: null,
          rowCollapsed: null


Sample Link

Medium Link

Contribution Guide

Code of Conduct

Angular CLI

This project was generated with Angular CLI version 8.2.2.

Development server

Run ng serve for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.


Expandable and Collapsible Table structure in Angular Way



Code of conduct





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No packages published


  • TypeScript 70.0%
  • HTML 20.2%
  • CSS 7.4%
  • JavaScript 2.4%