- None Virtually no knowledge of CSS
- Beginner Using CSS frameworks and tweaking existing styles
- Intermediate Knowing specificity rules, being able to create layouts
- Advanced Mastering animations, interactions, transitions, etc.
- Expert Able to style an entire front-end from scratch following a consistent methodology
- Beginner Writing short, simple JavaScript or jQuery statements
- Intermediate Working on existing front-end codebases using modern frameworks (React, Vue, etc.)
- Advanced Architecturing entire front-end codebases from scratch
- Expert Handling advanced front-end patterns (state management, data loading, etc.)
- None Not able to handle any back-end work
- Beginner Able to set up all-in-one CMSs (WordPress, etc.) or static site generators (Jekyll, etc.)
- Intermediate Able to develop apps using pre-existing frameworks (Rails, Laravel, etc.)
- Advanced Setting up an entire back-end from scratch (Go, Node.js, etc.)
- Expert Able to handle complex multi-server or microservices architectures