Add these two files in same folder and run the python code after you scan the QR code (to login in whatsapp ) you can see your recent contact list in the terminal. Few points to note that :
1- You must be using python3 to run the code
2- Google chrome and chrome driver version must be same I have Google chrome of version Version 73.0.3683.103 (Official Build) (64-bit) so i have downloaded chrome driver accordingly.
3- you can dowload the other version of chrome driver from the link -
4- I have build this code to run on google chrome driver .
5- you must have dowloaded selenium . You can use command - pip3 install selenium to download selenium
6- you must have dowloaded webdriver manager .use command - pip3 install webdriver-manager to download . If you still face any issues then you can mail me on my id - [email protected]