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Ansibles - nginx Build Status

Ansible role which installs and configures Nginx, from a package or from source (including a series of optional modules).

Requirements & Dependencies


It has been tested on Ansible 1.5 and above, and depends on the following roles:

  • Ansibles.apt
  • Ansibles.perl
  • Ansibles.monit (if you want monit protection)

Currently it's been developed for, and tested on Ubuntu. It is assumed to work on other Debian distributions as well.


default (nginx.conf)
  • nginx_install_method - "source" or "package"
  • nginx_user - user Nginx will run as
  • nginx_uid - the uid for this user
  • nginx_group - Nginx group
  • nginx_gid - the gid for this group
  • nginx_dir - location of the Nginx configuration (conf, sites-available, sites-enabled, ...)
  • nginx_www_dir - location of the www root for Nginx sites
  • nginx_log_dir - location of the Nginx logs
  • nginx_pid - location of the Nginx PID file
  • nginx_worker_processes - sets the number of worker processes
  • nginx_daemon_disable - whether the daemon should be disabled which can be set to yes or no
  • nginx_worker_rlimit_nofile - used for config value of worker_rlimit_nofile. Can replace any "ulimit -n" command. The value depend on your usage (cache or not) but must always be superior than worker_connections. Set to null to ignore
  • nginx_error_log_options - option flags for the error_log
  • nginx_worker_connections - sets the number of worker connections
  • nginx_multi_accept - used for config value of events { multi_accept }. Try to accept() as many connections as possible. Can be set to yes or no
  • nginx_charset - used to specify an explicit default charset (say, 'utf-8', 'off'…)
  • nginx_disable_access_log - whether or not to disable the access log, yes or no
  • nginx_access_log_options - option flags for the access_log
  • nginx_server_tokens - whether to send the Nginx version number in error pages and Server header, on or off
  • nginx_event - used for config value of events { use }. Set the event-model. By default nginx looks for the most suitable method for your OS.
  • nginx_sendfile - directive to activate or deactivate the usage of sendfile(), on or off
  • nginx_keepalive - option whether to use the timeout options (below). Only the value "on" will include them
  • nginx_keepalive_timeout - assigns the timeout for keep-alive connections with the client
  • nginx_client_body_timeout - sets the read timeout for the request body from client
  • nginx_client_header_timeout - specifies how long to wait for the client to send a request header
  • nginx_send_timeout - specifies the response timeout to the client; it does not apply to the entire transfer but, rather, only between two subsequent client-read operations
  • nginx_buffers - option whether to use the buffer options (below). Only the value "on" will include them
  • client_body_buffer_size - specifies the client request body buffer size
  • client_header_buffer_size - sets the headerbuffer size for the request header from client
  • client_max_body_size - specifies the maximum accepted body size of a client request, as indicated by the request header Content-Length. Set to 0 to disable
  • large_client_header_buffers - assigns the maximum number and size of buffers for large headers to read from client request
  • nginx_server_names_hash_bucket_size - assigns the size of basket in the hash-tables of the names of servers. This value by default depends on the size of the line of processor cache
  • nginx_types_hash_max_size -
  • nginx_types_hash_bucket_size -
  • nginx_proxy_read_timeout - defines a timeout (between two successive read operations) for reading a response from the proxied server.
  • nginx_enable_rate_limiting - enable rate limiting, yes or no
  • nginx_rate_limiting_zone_name - sets the shared memory zone
  • nginx_rate_limiting_backoff - sets the maximum burst size of requests
  • nginx_rate_limit - sets the rate (e.g. 1r/s)
  • nginx_source_version - the version of Nginx to install
  • nginx_source_url - URL for the Nginx source (versioned). By default it will get it from nginx_source_version
  • nginx_source_prefix - prefix for installing nginx from source (versioned)
  • nginx_source_conf_path - location of the main config file (in nginx_dir by default)
  • nginx_source_default_configure_flags - the default configure flags (before adding the modules). By default, this sets --prefix, --conf-path and --sbin-path
  • nginx_source_modules_included - see below
  • nginx_source_modules_excluded - a list of configure flags to exclude modules. Example: ["mail_pop3_module", "mail_imap_module", "mail_smtp_module"]

nginx_source_modules_included is a dictionary (k,v) where k is the module name, and v its accompanying configure flag. All the possible options are given below:

  http_stub_status_module: "--with-http_stub_status_module"
  http_ssl_module: "--with-http_ssl_module"
  http_gzip_static_module: "--with-http_gzip_static_module"
  upload_progress_module: "--add-module=/tmp/nginx_upload_progress"
  headers_more_module: "--add-module=/tmp/nginx_headers_more"
  http_auth_request_module: "--add-module=/tmp/nginx_auth_request"
  http_echo_module: "--add-module=/tmp/nginx_echo"
  google_perftools_module: "--with-google_perftools_module"
  ipv6_module: "--with-ipv6"
  http_real_ip_module: "--with-http_realip_module"
  http_spdy_module: "--with-http_spdy_module"
  http_perl_module: "--with-http_perl_module"
  naxsi_module: "--add-module=/tmp/nginx_naxsi"

There is a possibility to configure a list of servers to be available (not yet enabled) as well. Just provide a list of dictionaries according to the following format:

  - server:
      name: foo
      listen: 8080
      server_name: localhost
        name: "/"
        try_files: "$uri $uri/ /index.html"
        sendfile: "on"
  - server:
      name: bar
      listen: 8888
      server_name: webmail.localhost
        name: /
        try_files: "$uri $uri/ /index.html"
        name: /images/
        try_files: "$uri $uri/ /index.html"
Monit ?

You can put Nginx under monit monitoring protection, by setting monit_protection: yes

gzip module
  • 'nginx_gzip' - whether to use gzip, can be "on" or "off"
  • 'nginx_gzip_http_version'
  • 'nginx_gzip_comp_level'
  • 'nginx_gzip_proxied'
  • 'nginx_gzip_vary'
  • 'nginx_gzip_buffers'
  • 'nginx_gzip_min_length'
  • 'nginx_gzip_types'
  • 'nginx_gzip_disable'
http_stub_status module
  • nginx_remote_ip_var
  • nginx_authorized_ips
http_gzip_static module
  • nginx_gzip_static - whether to use gzip_static, can be on or off
upload_progress module
  • nginx_upload_progress_version - version of the upload_progress module
  • nginx_upload_progress_javascript_output- sets output in javascript. The default is true for backwards compatibility
  • nginx_upload_progress_zone_name - assigns one name which will be used to store the per-connection tracking information. The default is proxied
  • nginx_upload_progress_zone_size - assigns the zone size in bytes. Default is 1m (1 megabyte)
headers_more module
  • nginx_headers_more_version - version of the headers_more module
http_auth_request module
  • nginx_auth_request_release - the release number of the http_auth_request module
http_echo module
  • nginx_echo_version - version of the http_echo module
http_realip module
  • nginx_realip_header - Sets the header to use for the RealIp Module; only accepts "X-Forwarded-For" or "X-Real-IP"
  • nginx_realip_addresses - Sets the addresses to use for the http_realip configuration
  • nginx_realip_real_ip_recursive - If recursive search is enabled, the original client address that matches one of the trusted addresses is replaced by the last non-trusted address sent in the request header field. Can be on "on" or "off". The default is "off"
naxsi module
  • nginx_naxsi_version - version of the naxsi module


To the contributors:


Licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

Feedback, bug-reports, requests, ...

Are welcome!


Ansible role for Nginx







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