一个用于在 macOS 上平滑你的鼠标滚动效果或单独设置滚动方向的小工具, 让你的滚轮爽如触控板 | A lightweight tool used to smooth scrolling and set scroll direction independently for your mouse on macOS
A simple iOS photo and video browser with grid view, captions and selections.
Image framework for iOS to display/encode/decode animated WebP, APNG, GIF, and more.
iOS倒计时 验证码倒计时 秒杀倒计时 支持cell中的多个倒计时 支持自定义 样式多 支持时间差设置
神策数据官方 iOS 埋点 SDK,是一款轻量级用于 iOS 端的数据采集埋点 SDK。神策分析 iOS SDK 不仅有代码埋点功能,还通过使用运行时机制(Runtime)中的相关技术实现 iOS 端的全埋点(无埋点、无码埋点、无痕埋点、自动埋点)、点击图、可视化全埋点。
Original Apollo 11 Guidance Computer (AGC) source code for the command and lunar modules.
Algorithms and Data Structures implemented in JavaScript for beginners, following best practices.
iOS自定义交互式转场动画-仿微信图片浏览器转场动画、仿iOS系统相册图片浏览转场动画、仿酷狗转场动画 + 交互式图片浏览器
This is the repo for Vue 2. For Vue 3, go to
A simple, decentralized dependency manager for Cocoa
Cute Animated Button written in Swift.
An Objective-C category that adds toast notifications to the UIView object class.
A better way to operate QR Code in Swift, support iOS, macOS, watchOS and tvOS.
A curated list of awesome iOS ecosystem, including Objective-C and Swift Projects