Tags: ranocha/MPI.jl
[Diff since v0.19.1](JuliaParallel/MPI.jl@v0.19.1...v0.19.2) **Closed issues:** - Support the MPI Group interface (JuliaParallel#277) - Default and/or keyword args (JuliaParallel#423) - Don't redefine `MPI_UNDEFINED` to 0 (JuliaParallel#499) - Deadlock with MPI.jl + OpenMPI on a cluster (JuliaParallel#517) - MPI.jl + PackageCompiler (JuliaParallel#518) **Merged pull requests:** - Add methods for keyword integer arguments (JuliaParallel#510) (@simonbyrne) - add citation (JuliaParallel#516) (@simonbyrne) - Various fixes to documentation (JuliaParallel#520) (@giordano) - Add group functions (v2.0) (JuliaParallel#521) (@carlocastoldi)
[Diff since v0.19.0](JuliaParallel/MPI.jl@v0.19.0...v0.19.1) **Closed issues:** - Is that possible to send/receive a number instead of array? (JuliaParallel#308) - MPI_Gather (JuliaParallel#348) - gethostbyname error on macos 10.15 (github actions vm) (JuliaParallel#407) - Homebrew MPICH giving incorrect result on MPI.File.get_position_shared (JuliaParallel#413) - mpirun instead of mpiexecjl works fine as well (JuliaParallel#448) - Use with Extrae (JuliaParallel#454) - Using Arrow.Table with MPI.jl (JuliaParallel#461) - Accessing underlying MPI_Comm from CxxWrap (JuliaParallel#487) - building MPI.jl fails (JuliaParallel#488) - Error installing against system MPI (JuliaParallel#489) - `show` on an MPI Datatype can fail if MPI is not initialized. (JuliaParallel#490) - Install MPI.jl on HPC (JuliaParallel#505) **Merged pull requests:** - simplify test/wait (JuliaParallel#479) (@simonbyrne) - Make `show` on Datatype functional before MPI has been initialized (JuliaParallel#491) (@simonbyrne) - Add comment to top of auto-generated deps.jl file (JuliaParallel#493) (@eschnett) - fix Scatterv! function signature in docstring (JuliaParallel#494) (@carstenbauer) - Fix typo in create_resized (JuliaParallel#495) (@carstenbauer) - update one sided API (JuliaParallel#496) (@simonbyrne) - fix runtests (JuliaParallel#507) (@simonbyrne) - fix SentinelPtr conversion error (JuliaParallel#509) (@simonbyrne) - Fix job schedule example in documentation (JuliaParallel#511) (@giordano) - Added interface to MPI Ibarrier collective (JuliaParallel#512) (@mikegros)
## MPI v0.19.0 [Diff since v0.18.2](JuliaParallel/MPI.jl@v0.18.2...v0.19.0) **Closed issues:** - More user-friendly MPI.Init (JuliaParallel#484) **Merged pull requests:** - Remove MacOS workarounds (JuliaParallel#477) (@simonbyrne) - add nice init function (JuliaParallel#485) (@simonbyrne)
add nice init function (JuliaParallel#485) * add nice init function * make multiple Finalize safe * bump version * add error if trying to initialize after finalize
## MPI v0.18.2 [Diff since v0.18.1](JuliaParallel/MPI.jl@v0.18.1...v0.18.2) **Closed issues:** - mpiexecjl test fails when it can't find julia on the path (JuliaParallel#476) - Error in Irecv! due to missing `strides` method (JuliaParallel#478) **Merged pull requests:** - Remove `Pkg` from test environment (JuliaParallel#480) (@giordano) - [mpiexecjl] Accept `JULIA_BINDIR` as environment variable (JuliaParallel#481) (@giordano) - use unsafe_convert instead of cconvert to ensure handles aren't GCed during ccall (JuliaParallel#482) (@simonbyrne)
## MPI v0.18.1 [Diff since v0.18.0](JuliaParallel/MPI.jl@v0.18.0...v0.18.1) **Merged pull requests:** - Run CI on aarch64 with Drone (JuliaParallel#472) (@giordano) - Throw an error when using custom reductions on non-Intel platforms (JuliaParallel#473) (@giordano) - Add a bunch of barriers to io_shared tests (JuliaParallel#474) (@simonbyrne) - Update TagBot setup and reduce frequency of CompatHelper to once per day (JuliaParallel#475) (@giordano)
[Diff since v0.17.2](JuliaParallel/MPI.jl@v0.17.2...v0.18.0) **Closed issues:** - Count arguments of `Scatterv` etc. should be `Int`, not `Cint` (JuliaParallel#153) - MPI.Gatherv! should only require counts for root (JuliaParallel#362) - `MPI.Datatype()` creates new instance on every `MPI.Put()` (JuliaParallel#462) - An example that uses `Scatterv` (JuliaParallel#468) - An example on how to `Scatterv!` and `Gatherv!` a two-dimensional array? (JuliaParallel#469) **Merged pull requests:** - add basic error handler functionality (JuliaParallel#457) (@simonbyrne) - use Buffers with one-sided ops (JuliaParallel#464) (@simonbyrne) - Fix one-argument in-place `Alltoall!` (JuliaParallel#465) (@mtsch) - docstrings for one-sided operations (JuliaParallel#466) (@joachimbrand) - loosen type restrictions on one-sided buffers (JuliaParallel#467) (@simonbyrne) - Add Scatterv example based on JuliaParallel#469 (JuliaParallel#470) (@simonbyrne) - Improve Datatype handling (JuliaParallel#471) (@simonbyrne)
[Diff since v0.17.1](JuliaParallel/MPI.jl@v0.17.1...v0.17.2) **Closed issues:** - Sending and receiving custom types causes memory leaks (JuliaParallel#459) **Merged pull requests:** - Add finalizer to `create_struct` (JuliaParallel#460) (@mtsch)
[Diff since v0.17.0](JuliaParallel/MPI.jl@v0.17.0...v0.17.1) **Closed issues:** - MPI tracing and profiling (JuliaParallel#444) - Support for error handlers (JuliaParallel#453) - InitError on Julia 1.3 with system MPI (JuliaParallel#455) **Merged pull requests:** - Avoid InitError on Julia 1.3 with system MPI libraries (JuliaParallel#456) (@jipolanco) - Allow `Waitall!` for an empty input `reqs = []` (JuliaParallel#458) (@ali-ramadhan)
[Diff since v0.16.1](JuliaParallel/MPI.jl@v0.16.1...v0.17.0) **Closed issues:** - Code question - why do you use @view? (JuliaParallel#445) **Merged pull requests:** - Allow libmpi.so to be in lib64 (JuliaParallel#441) (@calebwin) - remove references to deprecated collectives (JuliaParallel#442) (@simonbyrne) - Remove unnecessary views (JuliaParallel#446) (@simonbyrne) - Add new example to docs (JuliaParallel#449) (@rafabench) - use global symbols on Unix to support LD_PRELOAD interception (JuliaParallel#451) (@simonbyrne)