#Contact Tracing
Currently working on a refactor with better OOP Design here: https://github.com/raphzam/contact-trace/
This program prompts an incoming patient for their contact information, symptoms, and people they have come in contact with.
PatientAppV3 (beta)
patient symptoms are now logged with an enhanced for loop
added iterable symptom database so new symptoms could be added
fixed bug where user is prompted for contacted persons despite saying no contact history
modified to ask user about each symptom
modified to add multiple patients to one report
original submission
showed menu of symptoms prompting user to add until done
patient information
patient name
patient phone number
patient email
patient city
patient state
patient symptoms
patient symptoms duration
patient contacts
contact name
contact phone number
contact email
contact tracing report
patient name
patient phone number
patient email
patient city
patient state
patient symptoms
symptom duration
create a common parent class that has shared attributes
phone number
email address
PATIENT (extends person)
a collection of SYMPTOM (new class)
symptom name
symptom duration
CONTACT (extends person)
no unique attributes
prompt user for name
get name
prompt user for phone number
get phoneNum
prompt user for email address
get email
prompt user for city
get city
prompt user for state
get state
create new patient (name,email,phone,city, state)
prompt user for symptoms
get symptoms
ask user for contacted persons
prompt for contact name
get name
prompt for contact phone number
get phoneNum
prompt for email
get email
add new contact?
if yes repeat
if no break
print header
display patient name
display patient phone
display patient email
display patient city, state
display symptoms
symptom 1 for x days
symptom 2 for x days
symptom 3 for x days
display contacts
display contact name
display contact phone
display contact email
display contact name
display contact phone
display contact email