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crude kriging example for sectionSmooth
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dankelley committed May 3, 2019
1 parent 0f2ba20 commit efe2754
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Showing 2 changed files with 203 additions and 82 deletions.
178 changes: 117 additions & 61 deletions R/section.R
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Expand Up @@ -2548,37 +2548,74 @@ sectionGrid <- function(section, p, method="approx", trim=TRUE, debug=getOption(
#' Smooth a section in the lateral (alpha version that may change).
#' @details
#' This function should be used with caution, as should any operation that changes
#' data. Although smoothing may be desirable to produce aesthetically-pleasing
#' plots, it can also introduce artifacts that can lead to erroneous conclusions.
#' The prudent analyst starts by comparing plots of the raw data with plots of the
#' smoothed data.
#' This function produces smoothed fields that might be useful in
#' simplifying graphical elements created with \code{\link{plot,section-method}}.
#' It ought to be used with great caution, to avoid deceiving the viewer
#' with made-up "data". (As an analogy, consider the relative merits of drawing
#' a simple scatterplot of x-y data, as opposed to drawing only a regression
#' line or a spline.) The problem is of particular concern with sections that
#' contain a ridge, because of the deceptive effects that can arise from
#' averaging across the ridge, even though water masses might be quite
#' different on either side. Prudent analysts start by comparing plots of
#' the raw data with plots of the smoothed data.
#' The \code{method} argument selects between three possible methods.
#' For \code{method="spline"}, the section is smoothed using
#' \itemize{
#' \item For \code{method="spline"}, i.e. the default, the section is smoothed using
#' \code{\link{smooth.spline}} on individual pressure levels, with any parameters
#' listed in \code{parameters} being passed to that function. If \code{df} is not
#' present in \code{parameters}, then this function sets it to the number of
#' stations divided by 5. Smoothing is done separately for temperature, salinity,
#' and sigma-theta.
#' stations divided by 5. Smoothing is done station by station, i.e. it
#' smooths vertically on a resultant plot, not horizontally.
#' For the (much slower) \code{method="barnes"} method, smoothing is done across
#' \item For the (much slower) \code{method="barnes"} method, smoothing is done across
#' both horizontal and vertical coordinates, using \code{\link{interpBarnes}}.
#' The stations are changed to lie on the grid supplied defined \code{xg} and
#' \code{yg}, or by \code{xgl} and \code{ygl} (see those arguments)
#' The output station locations are computed by linear interpolation of
#' input locations, using \code{\link{approx}} on the original
#' longitudes and longitudes of stations, with the independent variable
#' being the distance along the track, computed with \code{\link{geodDist}}.
#' The values of \code{xg}, \code{yg}, \code{xgl} and \code{ygl} control
#' the smoothing.
#' \item If \code{method} is a function, then that function is applied to
#' the (distance, pressure) data for each variable at a grid defined by
#' \code{xg}, \code{xgl}, \code{yg} and \code{ygl}. The function must
#' be of the form \code{function(X, P, v, xg, yg)}, and must
#' return a matrix with first index indicating "grid" station number and second
#' index indicating "grid" pressure. (If the function does not follow these rules,
#' all sorts of bad results can occur, and this is just one of several reasons
#" why supplying a function for \code{method} is for advanced analysts.)
#' The value supplied to the user's function as \code{X} is
#' calculated from \code{\link{geodDist}} (repeated appropriately
#' at each station) and \code{P} is created by concatenating
#' the pressures for the each stations, in turn. The value \code{v}
#' will holds the field in question, e.g. \code{temperature}, etc.
#' The grid is defined by \code{xg} for the lateral direction (in km)
#' and \code{yg} for the pressure (in dbar). A Kriging application
#' is given in the examples.
#' @param section A \code{section} object containing the section to be smoothed.
#' For \code{method="spline"}, the pressure levels must match for each station in
#' the section.
#' @param method Specifies the method to use; see \sQuote{Details}.
#' @param method A string or a function that specifies the method to use; see \sQuote{Details}.
#' @param xg,xgl passed to \code{\link{interpBarnes}}, if \code{method="barnes"}; ignored otherwise.
#' If \code{xg} is supplied, it defines the x component of the grid, i.e. the resultant "stations".
#' @param xg,xgl passed to \code{\link{interpBarnes}}, if \code{method="barnes"},
#' but ignored otherwise.
#' If \code{xg} is supplied, it defines the x component of the grid, i.e. the resultant station
#' distances, x, along the track of the section.
#' Alternatively, if \code{xgl} is supplied, the x grid is established using \code{\link{seq}},
#' to span the data with \code{xgl} elements. If neither of these is supplied, the output
#' x grid will equal the input x grid.
#' @param yg,ygl similar to \code{xg} and \code{xgl}.
#' @param yg,ygl similar to \code{xg} and \code{xgl}, but for pressure. If \code{yg}
#' is not given, then a grid is constructed from the surface pressure (zero)
#' to the highest pressure in the section. If \code{ygl} is given, then it sets
#' the number of elements in the grid, but if not, that number defaults to 50.
#' @param xr,yr influence ranges in x and y, passed to \code{\link{interpBarnes}} if
#' \code{method="barnes"}; ignored otherwise.
Expand All @@ -2602,36 +2639,66 @@ sectionGrid <- function(section, p, method="approx", trim=TRUE, debug=getOption(
#' @return An object of \code{\link{section-class}} that ordered in some way.
#' @examples
#' # Gulf Stream
#' # Unsmoothed (Gulf Stream)
#' library(oce)
#' data(section)
#' gs <- subset(section, 109<=stationId&stationId<=129)
#' par(mfrow=c(1, 3))
#' par(mfrow=c(2, 2))
#' plot(gs, which="temperature")
#' mtext("gs: original")
#' mtext("unsmoothed")
#' # Spline
#' gsg <- sectionGrid(gs, p=seq(0, 5000, 150))
#' gsSpline <- sectionSmooth(gsg, "spline", df=16)
#' plot(gsSpline, which="temperature")
#' mtext("spline-smoothed")
#' gsBarnes <- sectionSmooth(gs, "barnes", xr=50, yr=250)
#' # Barnes
#' gsBarnes <- sectionSmooth(gs, "barnes", xr=50, yr=200)
#' plot(gsBarnes, which="temperature")
#' mtext("Barnes-smoothed")
#' # Kriging
#'\dontrun{ # requires a library
#' library(spatial)
#' krig <- function(X, P, v, xg, yg) {
#' n <- length(xg)
#' if (n != length(yg))
#' stop("lengths of xg and yg must agree for this method of Kriging")
#' ## Scale x and y to be max of 1, and use jitter() to prevent surf.gls errors
#' ## from repeated pressures. Smoothness is controlled by 'd'.
#' x <- jitter(X / max(X))
#' y <- jitter(P / max(P))
#' obj <- spatial::surf.gls(np=2, covmod=spatial::expcov, x=x, y=y, z=v, d=0.5)
#' kpred <- spatial::prmat(obj=obj, xl=0, xu=1, yl=0, yu=1, n)
#' ## Scale x and y back to original values
#' kpred$x <- kpred$x * max(X)
#' kpred$y <- kpred$y * max(P)
#' kpred
#' }
#' gsKrig <- sectionSmooth(gs, krig,
#' xg=seq(0,400,length.out=50), yg=seq(0,4000/10,length.out=50))
#' plot(gsKrig, which="temperature")
#' mtext("Kriging-smoothed")
#' }
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @family things related to \code{section} data
sectionSmooth <- function(section, method=c("spline", "barnes"),
sectionSmooth <- function(section, method="spline",
xg, yg, xgl, ygl, xr, yr, gamma=0.5, iterations=2, trim=0, pregrid=FALSE,
debug=getOption("oceDebug"), ...)
method <- match.arg(method)
if (!is.function(method) && !(is.character(method) && (method=="spline" || method == "barnes")))
stop('"method" must be "spline", "barnes", or an R function')
## bugs: should ensure that every station has identical pressures
## FIXME: should have smoothing in the vertical also ... and is spline what I want??
oceDebug(debug, "sectionSmooth(section,method=\"", method, "\", ...) {\n", sep="", unindent=1)
if (!inherits(section, "section"))
stop("method is only for objects of class '", "section", "'")
nstn <- length(section@data$station)
if (method == "spline") {
if (is.character(method) && method == "spline") {
stn1pressure <- section[["station", 1]][["pressure"]]
npressure <- length(stn1pressure)
for (istn in 1:nstn) {
Expand All @@ -2647,7 +2714,7 @@ sectionSmooth <- function(section, method=c("spline", "barnes"),
## is crucial if the files have been ordered by a
## directory listing, and they are not named e.g. 01
## to 10 etc but 1 to 10 etc.
x <- geodDist(section)
x <- geodDist(section) # FIXME let this be an argument?
o <- order(x)
res@metadata$longitude <- section@metadata$longitude[o]
res@metadata$latitude <- section@metadata$latitude[o]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2697,31 +2764,17 @@ sectionSmooth <- function(section, method=c("spline", "barnes"),
res@data$station[[s]]@data$salinity <- salinityMat[, s]
res@data$station[[s]]@data$sigmaTheta <- sigmaThetaMat[, s]
} else if (method == "barnes") {
##message("barnes method")
} else { # either "barnes" or a function
## Find names of all variables in all stations; previous to 2019 May 2,
## we only got names from the first station.
vars <- unique(unlist(lapply(section[["station"]], function(ctd) names(ctd[["data"]]))))
oceDebug(debug, "data names: '", paste(vars, collapse="' '"), "'\n", sep="")
res <- section
x <- geodDist(section)
##OLD stn1pressure <- section[["station", 1]][["pressure"]]
##OLD npressure <- length(stn1pressure)
##OLD maxPressure <- 0
##OLD for (istn in 1:nstn) {
##OLD stn <- section[["station", istn]]
##OLD stnPressure <- stn[["pressure"]]
##OLD if (length(stnPressure) != npressure)
##OLD stop("pressure mismatch between station 1 and station", istn)
##OLD if (any(stnPressure != stn1pressure))
##OLD stop("pressure mismatch between station 1 and station.", istn)
##OLD maxPressure <- max(maxPressure, max(stnPressure, na.rm=TRUE))
##OLD }
x <- geodDist(section) # FIXME let this be an argument?
P <- unlist(lapply(section[["station"]], function(ctd) ctd[["pressure"]]))
XI <- geodDist(section)
X <- unlist(lapply(seq_along(XI), function(i) rep(XI[i], length(section[["station", i]][["pressure"]]))))
maxPressure <- max(P, na.rm=TRUE)
#P <- rep(stn1pressure, nstn) # FIXME: p or P?
if (missing(xg))
xg <- if (missing(xgl)) x else pretty(x, xgl)
if (missing(yg))
Expand All @@ -2746,14 +2799,6 @@ sectionSmooth <- function(section, method=c("spline", "barnes"),
v <- NULL
oceDebug(debug, "smoothing", var, "\n")
## collect data
if (FALSE) {
for (istn in 1:nstn) {
oceDebug(debug, "station", istn, "\n")
stn <- section[["station", istn]]
v <- c(v, stn[[var]])
## v <- section[[var]]
v <- unlist(lapply(section[["station"]],
if (var %in% names(CTD[["data"]])) CTD[[var]] else
Expand All @@ -2762,24 +2807,35 @@ sectionSmooth <- function(section, method=c("spline", "barnes"),
ok <- is.finite(X) & is.finite(P) & is.finite(v)
## grid overall, deposit into stations (trimming for NA)
## FIXME: copy units over
smu <- interpBarnes(X[ok], P[ok], v[ok],
xg=xg, yg=yg, xgl=xgl, ygl=ygl, xr=xr, yr=yr, gamma=gamma, iterations=iterations, trim=trim,
if (is.character(method)) {
if (method != "barnes")
stop('method must be "spline", "barnes", or a function')
smu <- interpBarnes(X[ok], P[ok], v[ok], xg=xg, yg=yg, xgl=xgl, ygl=ygl,
xr=xr, yr=yr, gamma=gamma, iterations=iterations, trim=trim,
## rename to match names if method is a function.
smu$z <- smu$zg
smu$x <- smu$xg
smu$y <- smu$yg
} else {
## if (var == "temperature") d <<- list(X=X[ok],P=P[ok],v=v[ok],xg=xg,yg=yg,var=var)
smu <- method(X[ok], P[ok], v[ok], xg=xg, yg=yg)
## cat("smu$y:\n");print(smu$y)
for (istn in seq_along(xg)) {
res@data$station[[istn]]@data[[var]] <- smu$zg[istn, ]
res@data$station[[istn]]@data[["pressure"]] <- yg
## na <-$station[[istn]][[var]])
## message("A/3")
## res@data$station[[istn]]@data[[var]][na] <- NA
##cat("istn=", istn, "\n", sep="")
res@data$station[[istn]]@data[[var]] <- smu$z[istn, ]
##cat(" set '", var, "'\n", sep="")
res@data$station[[istn]]@data[["pressure"]] <- smu$y
##cat(" set pressure\n", sep="")
longitudeNew[istn] <- approx(x, longitudeOriginal, xg[istn], rule=2)$y
latitudeNew[istn] <- approx(x, latitudeOriginal, xg[istn], rule=2)$y
res@metadata$stationId <- paste("interpolated_", seq_along(xg), sep="")
res@metadata$longitude <- longitudeNew
res@metadata$latitude <- latitudeNew
} else {
stop("unknown method \"", method, "\"") # cannot reach here
res@metadata$stationId <- paste("interpolated_", seq_along(xg), sep="")
res@metadata$longitude <- longitudeNew
res@metadata$latitude <- latitudeNew

res@processingLog <- processingLogAppend(res@processingLog, paste(deparse(, sep="", collapse=""))
oceDebug(debug, "} # sectionSmooth()\n", unindent=1)
Expand Down

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