Leopard Public
Forked from hosseinmoein/LeopardC++ light-weight Thread Pool library
python-bigquery-sqlalchemy Public
Forked from googleapis/python-bigquery-sqlalchemySQLAlchemy dialect for BigQuery
Python MIT License UpdatedApr 5, 2023 -
python-doppler-env Public
Forked from DopplerHQ/python-doppler-envAutomatically inject Doppler secrets as environment variables for use during local development
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJun 28, 2022 -
sancus Public
Sancus: Cryptographic Audits for Virtual Currency Institutions
shutdown_bot Public
Automatically shutdown machines when no ssh connection is detected
Elevate Public
Forked from anqi-lu/elevateStocks/investments can be intimidating. This is a HackMIT project to get college students started with stocks through Facebook Messenger Bot!
RC-Circuit-Simulator Public
A simple web app to simulate a resistor-capacitor (RC) circuit.
Secrets-API Public
Secrets-API provides a REST backend to store secret information in an encrypted form.
Tutor-Scheduler Public
Automatically pair students with tutors
Milton-Mobile-Android Public
This app allows members of the Milton Academy community to see dining information, activity listings, and mailbox combinations.
Milton-Mobile-iOS Public
This app, developed by the 2014-15 Programming Applications class at Milton Academy, allows members of the school community to see dining information, activity listings, and mailbox combinations.
Bitcard-Backend Public
Want to shop online on a site that doesn't accept bitcoin? Now you can -- via the Coinbase and Nessie APIs.
Bitcard-Chrome-Extension Public
Want to shop online on a site that doesn't accept bitcoin? Now you can -- via the Coinbase and Nessie APIs.