Reapit Ltd
- Coventry, UK
- http://nickrawe.co.uk
Wilson Public
A PHP micro framework designed for simplicity and performance
PHP MIT License UpdatedFeb 10, 2015 -
Micro Public
A small, get-the-job-done web framework with an emphasis on testability
Razor Public
A tiny PHP framework for creating simple, testable REST applications
Injector Public
A library providing a low level service injection API
PHP MIT License UpdatedJul 13, 2014 -
ViewModel Public
This library provides an MVVM approach to view layers with am emphasis on testability and documentation
PHP Other UpdatedJan 5, 2014 -
MessagePattern Public
This is an implementation of the Message Pattern described by Steve Bate
TotemWeb Public
TotemWeb is a lightweight development environment and front controller for web applications using PHP5.3