- Turkey
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/raziyedogan
- https://medium.com/@raziyed49
halimocakli / Mask-RCNN-TF2
Forked from ahmedfgad/Mask-RCNN-TF2Mask R-CNN for object detection and instance segmentation on Keras and TensorFlow 2.0
halimocakli / dotnet-core-ile-web-programlama
Forked from serhattsnmz/dotnet-core-ile-web-programlamaASP .NET Core ile Web Programlama Ders Notları
This repo contains various applications and exercises worked on within the scope of CPE303-Microprocessors course. All of the codes are created for INTEL 8086 microprocessor on EMU8086 simulator.
This repo covers the processes of designing a database by performing logical, conceptual and physical data modelling processes, creating the designed database using DML and DDL on various database …
This repo contains machine learning applications implemented in the book "Machine Learning with Python" written by Prof. Dr. Engin Sorhun and training notes added by me.
Small and medium-sized projects that I developed to improve myself on HTML5 and CSS3.
This repo contains the projects I developed while introducing .Net Core technology and MVC architecture.
This repository includes codes on Image Processing implemented by using Python programming language and also includes a set of documents, and assignments. I create it due to follow and accomplish m…
A very simple serial communicator.
A multithreading serial communicator app, simply used for communicating through serial ports.
The application of shortest path finding algorithm with C
Some Python programming examples that I developed as classworks and also for enhance my coding and algorithm skills
This repo contains the project created due to analyse the alterations in prices of used cars. (Ongoing)
A Programming Languages lecture project to gain basic knowledge about data structures
This repo contains the project that was produced due to analyse "Titanic - Machine Learning from Disaster" dataset and create Logistic Regression model from that dataset with Python.
I've created some AI projects due to learn concepts and create models. This repo is an ongoing project.
This repo contains some studies related to data analysis, visualization, and various reminder notes.
This is the repository that I create to demonstrate my resume.
This calculator app is a result of instructive programming activity that informs me about WPF in designing and backend programming, written with XAML and C#.
This weather app is a result of instructive programming activity that informs me about WPF in designing and backend programming, written with XAML and C#.
C programming examples that were created in Programming Languages II lecture which I took charge of as an assistant student.
Minimal PyTorch implementation of YOLOv5 and StrongSort
Projects developed with the C programming language to examine data structures
Repository containing the codes I used during my C# programming language education and the notes I added as a comment line in these codes.
Some C programming examples that I developed as classwork and also for enhance my coding and algorithm skills