fluxa Public
Fluxa is a lightweight, efficient monitoring service designed to track the uptime of URLs with minimal memory usage and support for notifications.
kickstart.nvim Public
Forked from nvim-lua/kickstart.nvimA launch point for your personal nvim configuration
Lua MIT License UpdatedOct 6, 2024 -
starship Public
Forked from starship/starship☄🌌️ The minimal, blazing-fast, and infinitely customizable prompt for any shell!
Rust ISC License UpdatedMar 24, 2023 -
os_info Public
Forked from stanislav-tkach/os_infoRust library to detect the operating system type
Rust MIT License UpdatedFeb 23, 2023 -
jsonify Public
Command line tool for formatting and coloring JSON input for easier reading
python.cz Public
Forked from pyvec/python.czCzech Python community homepage. / Domovská stránka českých Pythonistů.
HTML MIT License UpdatedApr 22, 2016 -
django-fiobank Public
Django-app for managing and processing Fio Bank transaction.
fiobank Public
Forked from honzajavorek/fiobankLittle library implementing Fio Bank API in Python
Python ISC License UpdatedMay 23, 2015 -
imbox Public
Forked from martinrusev/imboxPython IMAP for Human beings
Python MIT License UpdatedOct 23, 2014 -
django-helpdesk Public
Forked from django-helpdesk/django-helpdeskA Django application to manage tickets for an internal helpdesk. Formerly known as Jutda Helpdesk.
Python Other UpdatedSep 11, 2014 -
docker-php Public
Docker build files for testing the latest versions of PHPNG, HHVM and HippyVM
simocollector Public
Collection data for SIMO (Simple Monitoring).
Python Other UpdatedMay 19, 2014 -
django-rest-framework Public
Forked from encode/django-rest-frameworkAwesome web-browseable Web APIs.
Python UpdatedApr 28, 2014 -
Python Control Panel: do you want own python hosting? Help with this one.
Python Other UpdatedNov 25, 2013 -
python-qrplatba Public
Forked from ViktorStiskala/python-qrplatbaQR platba SVG QR code and SPD string generator.
Python UpdatedSep 8, 2013 -
virtualenv Public
Forked from pypa/virtualenvVirtual Python Environment builder
Python MIT License UpdatedAug 20, 2013 -
boom Public
Forked from tarekziade/boomA replacement for AB (Apache Bench)
Python Other UpdatedJul 9, 2013 -
django-polymodels Public
Forked from charettes/django-polymodelsPolymorphic models implementation for django.
Parsley.js Public
Forked from guillaumepotier/Parsley.jsValidate your forms, frontend, without writting a single line of javascript!
JavaScript Other UpdatedFeb 16, 2013 -
initscripts Public
Forked from Supervisor/initscriptsUser-contributed OS init scripts for Supervisor
Shell UpdatedJan 3, 2013 -
raven-php Public
Forked from getsentry/sentry-phpRaven is a PHP client for Sentry (getsentry.com)
PHP BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedDec 19, 2012