Parallel implementations of branch and bound with matrix reduction algorithm for the travelling salesman problem, developed for my Master’s degree in Computer Architechtures.
NOTE: some content (commit messages, comments, string messages, etc.) might be in portuguese. Most of the code should be in english.
The files in data/
were created by preprocessing the corresponding files from TSPLIB.
The project uses meson
as build system. Check Meson Build for details on installation. After installed, run:
mkdir build
meson configure -Dbuildtype=release build
meson compile -C build
After compilation, 3 binaries should be available in build/
: tsp
(serial), tsp-mpi
(MPI), and tsp-omp
All versions have as mandatory first argument the path of a data file (see data/
for examples). The OpenMP version has an optional second argument specifing the number of threads desired.